Friday, October 7, 2016

Is anti-Semitism on the increase in England and are politicians to blame?

image: Steven Camley, Artist.

I would like to take you on a journey into a somewhat hidden madness which is part of English society and culture. I am referring to the rise in anti-Semitic hate driven crimes in England.

Is it media driven or somehow politically engineered? Perhaps it comes down to the history of England; imbued with its imperialism, wars, racism, associations, dissociations and radicalism. Is it different here than in other countries? Is there a better country that does not have its own infighting and back stabbing?

Perhaps not. I would be dreaming to think there was a place in our world where peace reigns.

I am not big on politics, but I do follow the news and when politicians are mentioned for their various deeds outside their so called party`s scope, I question what is going on and what are the motives.

This year in England, one political party in particular has become embroiled with claims of anti-Semitism. The Labour party, currently led by Jeremy Corbyn, has been under the spotlight for misconduct. Apparently some of its members have been preaching disturbing statements.

Corbyn denies there is an issue with anti-Semitism in the labour party (link)

Has Corbyn made a tough enough stance against those MP`S who have made remarks about Jewish people? Or was this story blown out of proportion by the media? This originally came out in April, so what has happened since?

Nazeem Shah (MP) has made a so-called public apology on the issue of anti-Semitic posts both on Facebook and Twitter.

Shah's negative Facebook posts and tweets have since been deleted, but here is a screenshot from the Guido Fawkes website and also one from The Jewish Chronicle captured beforehand:

I cannot find the original post. It seems to have been deleted from the Walk Together website. And here is Ms. Shah's apology spoken in the House of Commons.

I hope you will allow me to say that I fully acknowledge that I have made a mistake and I wholeheartedly apologise to this house for the words I used before I became a member.
I accept and understand that the words used caused upset and hurt to the Jewish community and I deeply regret that. Anti-Semitism is racism, full stop. As an MP, I will do everything in my power to build relations between Muslims, Jews and people of different faiths and none.

I am grateful and very thankful for the support I have received from many Jewish friends and colleagues, advice I intend to act upon. I truly regret what I did and I hope, I sincerely hope that the House will fully accept my profound apology.

There has since been so much criticism in the press on this that her apology might not be enough?

Here are a couple newspaper articles in PDF form which question the Labour leader's response to the scandal.

Corbyn's Left has turned a deaf ear to Jews

Labour must answer for anti-Semitism

What image are politicians spreading to the public; is it the condoning of or even adversely promoting racism and hate crime?

Should politicians be under such scrutiny? Do they not have a duty to explain their positions clearly just like any other public figure?

Or do they consider themselves a law unto themselves, that they can get away with derogatory remarks about race and religion in comparison to you and I the modern day peasants? I certainly don`t see any of them barred from politics or getting into much trouble as a result; perhaps a slapped wrist, you`ve not been good, but on you go, all is forgiven?

Some Labour MP`S are even claiming that the anti-Semitism row has been brewed up as a result of smearing Jeremy Corbyn!

From Jackie Walker's Facebook posts:

( MP Jackie Walker has been suspended, pending investigation, since I first started working on this.)

Twists and tales and puppy dog tails. I have gotten to the point where I don`t know what to believe, or is it just me?

Truth or muck spreading, what should one believe or distrust when politicians speak?

As the author Dave Rich writes in his 2016 book, "The left`s Jewish problem" (Kindle edition) 
A long standing supporter of the Palestinians and opponent of Israel, Corbyn came into post facing a list of questions about alleged associations with people accused of Holocaust denial, anti-Semitism and terrorism.
So, can the alarming rise in debate on anti-Semitism in England be simplified to a few dim-witted, tone-deaf politicians? It may not be that simple as some media claim to just pin the blame on a few people or a political party.

As The Telegraph reported in January 2015:

To be at the receiving end of such hate crime is despicable. Luciana Berger (MP) was just one of many who had abuse poured at her from extremist far right groups.

She was called a "filthyjewishbitch" on social media. I find it difficult enough to type out such a phrase, yet extremist trolls of course find it totally acceptable language to use.

Clicking on the above link led me to a vile hate enterprise.

That is totally caustic. Why are such websites allowed to publish? That is just one example of English hate. Ought we be looking far deeper into what is actually happening in society or should the focus remain on politicians?

Well, politicians do lead our countries playing the legal game of HOW TO LIVE YOUR LIVES, so surely they must play a big role in any potential movement to stamp out such hate and that also extends to political parties.

Do I have faith in them to do so? Just take a look at the history of British politics with its reams of blunders and you will know my answer.

The debates and battles linger on in Labour party circles and beyond. After all that`s what they`re good at.

Head of Jewish Labour group: party is in crisis over antisemitism

There is a capsule of hatred which when opened works on men and those that break it; those antagonisers in life are dangerous.

A tougher stance on this malignant hatred must start now. I feel that if an MP has made anti-Semitic remarks and they have been suspended, they should not be allowed back into politics. Some may disagree with me on that.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for help with editing again, I appreciate it.
    I realise I have so much to learn about blogging and writing.

    From the post point of view, I see that Shah is back in politics again after her apology.
