Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Internet Ended History

"The electronic age is inner trip, period."

I was listening to some Marshall McLuhan having give and take with students. He really nailed it, but his responses confused them. They weren't ready for his great wisdom.

We are in the electronic age. The speed by which the rear view mirror has been analysed and cookie cut means we can only live in the now.

He was freaking out the students with his ideas. He advised them that there's no juice left in the old system. He predicted the internet. This is true and can be verified. He claimed that we were entering personalised journeys. Each of us would turn into an encyclopedia.

He also spoke of the bad guys, that we are back to the age of the hunter. The scary part is that we the people have become the hunted.

He was interested in historic processes. He was a visionary. As Tesla was the real talent compared to Einstein, McLuhan for all his awkward goofiness was a legend for the social sciences.

But there is where the plot took a twist turn. Marshall McLuhan admitted to students that academics was a scam. They also took it on the chin when he said the ball game had ended. I knew what he meant. There is a competitive element to academia that's simply antithetical to the old-school pyramid of knowledge.

We can now see instantaneously how rigged and fake everything is via the internet. How would anyone have ever known but a few that The Washington Post and all the others are state-sponsored, fake news?

The big shift towards perceiving a Huxley, Orwellian state as actual was a result of the double whammy of Snowden and Assange. The medium has reached a point in which the hyperbole, speculation and theorising by great minds on its true nature have become sheer wisdom and impossible to refute.

McLuhan claimed he could bypass it. I certainly feel that I have. But it is not very easy to do so.

We were all indoctrinated for the old ways. We bought into it because we didn't know any better. There's some very revealing stuff in those Snowden documents. That thing verified most of my kookiness leanings. My biggest beef has always been with the Military-Industrial Complex and capitalism. But Soros, Clinton and Obama are not the left. It's as if we don't exist.

The internet has been contaminated with fake news and paid fakes to such an extent that social reality has become obfuscated from masses of people.

Every social media outlet is infested with paid fakes and useful idiots.

McLuhan was basically a regular guy introvert who thought a lot and was very deep. It's unfortunate the students took it so personally.

Life is about enlightenment. McLuhan and Watts had some sort of relationship. I think Marshall was a closet buddhist. There are just some things that are impossible to prove. The Jesus schtick doesn't seem to add up. The God in the Heavens or wtf and we get one life just can't be true. There wouldn't be so much cheating and tragedies.

The only chance left to get out of here alive is reincarnation. Or it's all random science stuff. I go with reincarnation.

I'll wrap this up by copying and pasting some recently mailed in McLuhan tweets and then add on some sweet bonus convolution coverage also regurgitated from Twitter.

For those who want to play along at home:

"Students get processed by Marshall McLuhan - Deconditioning Lecture [1969]"

The hippie chick is going toe to toe with McLuhan around the 18 minute mark.

He says students burned down a Yale building and no newspaper or radio covered it. He's calling out the news. He's interested in processes.

Students are getting mad because McLuhan is saying everything is rigged and fake. They are so young and idealistic that it's somewhat painful audio.

He admits that academia is a scam.

He's saying electronics ended history. The speed of it brings everything up to the present. He says we have resorted back to being hunters.

Academics is leisure. The medium suckers one in through the infotainment part and then folks miss that it is violence against 
critical thinking and true freedom.

Towards the end, he says people are the hunted. He says based on a study or wtf, there were probably three or four Pinkertons present in the room.

More plagiarism of Lenny Bruce? He had a son of a bitch schtick. There was a Seinfeld episode that seems to have stolen said schtick.

spit out the truth, but also do a little work before said spitting. be violent to fake words.

I'm finally getting into Lenny's book, but I don't remember any of it. It does seem to be exceptionally easy reading. A little too easy.

There is a lot of Lenny Bruce stuff at Youtube. There's even a German dude who made a video explaining there really is a lot of stuff on him.

This is why people must quit the medium. There is better stuff out there if you're going to ruin your eyesight glued to the computer.

I'm not saying one should quit the computer completely, although that's not such a bad idea if someone has the nerve to try it.

I always wondered why movies got so bad. McLuhan nailed it. Electronics ended history. It is the now from here on towards the next vibration.

The internet swooped in too fast. T.V. killed radio. Internet killed film. The vast majority play by old rules despite this epic shift.

McLuhan realised content had become meaningless back when it wasn't so obvious. Erich Fromm realised a lot of similar junk. Why not apply said learned junk to today's social reality?

DFQ2: The Home For Bonus Convolution Coverage You can Count On

Cassandra Fairbanks has been outed as a paid fake. The irony is that she has done it to herself by associating with and promoting verified FBI sewer rat Brandon Darby. This is how fake everything has become in regards to surrealism. Wikileaks clearly broke the code and cracked wide open shite I was prescient on but didn't have enough pay stubs for scoop glory.

That's just nuts. If one is going to be an infiltrator, why be such a numbnut and make it so obvious?

This is tied in with McLuhan's claim that electronics has ended history. Paid fakes are no longer capable of hiding their lack of a soul.

The speed by which information can travel now allows for the immediate outing of paid fakes and useful idiots.

trigger my left n _ _ ?

i'm driving the bus in the moment which is timeless and can never be defeated

Omg, the new Boston Globe spam title is "Always real."

Those clowns wouldn't know real if they were locked in a vault for twelve hours with Marshall McLuhan and heard him out.

The Brandon Darby evidence is reason enough to reach a blog court decision. Guilty. Sad. @subverzo @Ergoat

Anyway, I am definitely winding down my Twitter career. I was a player during the election season, but now I am ready to cut back and wean meself off it. Julian Assange or Confucius said, "Don't be a complete idiot."

It was a good run, but I am no longer feeling the magic of it. Maybe I am too aware of the cyber magicians and the teachings of McLuhan and Alan Watts to still give a fvck.

Don't take me wrong. I am loving this like a McDonald's vegetarian happy meal if those existed. I am Happy Gilmore who got through the anger phase and have found my happy place.

Spirituality is the trump card, no pun intended.

I haven't felt this good and healthy in many years and I mean in both mind and spirit. I have found a way to bypass the medium. I have pointed to such methods in the hope of giving others the confidence to also break away and live full lives as one with nature and the cosmos, not rigged social media.

These ptb's are dirty rotten buggers and idjits who would be 100% exposed schadenfreude if everything weren't so rigged and fake. Trust me. If the royal we were truly playing by the old school rules of academia, it would be game, set and match for paid fakes and useful idiots all across the medium board. Unfortunately, it's snot.

Bypass the medium if you desire truth and enlightenment. And don't desire it for the false ego. Do it for that part of the inner trip which transcends who we are in this one specific life. I figured out I was Lenny Bruce, but that doesn't mean much. It just proves reincarnation is the way the universe works. I'm not saying give up on trying to save the planet. I'm saying ye are better than this. Be disciplined. Read a lot. Read real books. We seem to be born alone and then die alone, to come back again. Each life is a challenge to peel off layers of false ego karma onions.

Keep at it. Don't let the proverbial them simulate the action and outcome of your existence. As Alan Watts said, "You are the universe."

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