Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Bits and Pieces

I've just bumped into a bit of synchronicity. What is that?

I got suspended from Twitter for Lenny Bruce styled provocation. I asked what are these terms Uncle Tom, coon and magic Negro? You'll have to trust this really is a coincidence and I'm not just making up crap to look prescient or magical.

I went fishing for a Lenny Bruce photo for this entry because I have many legit reasons to believe I'm his reincarnation. Perhaps I'll get more into that at the end of this pseudo article and it will become part of the pieces. Anyway, I clicked on one photo and it led to a New York Times article dated for yesterday, the same day Twitter slapped my hand, told me to grow up and stop being a racist pig.

Brandeis Cancels Play About Lenny Bruce After Protests

This is a fascinating story that I think folks should check out for themselves. It is "life imitating art." The play was written by an established writer named Michael Weller. He wrote the screenplay for Ragtime. It was Cagney's last movie and extremely anti-racism.

Lenny Bruce was 100% against racism. It formed a big part of his worldview. He despised discrimination and segregation. I don't want to give away too much, but basically this play is based somewhat on Lenny. Weller is a Brandeis alumnus. A student gets into Bruce's famous bit centered around the "N" word. He wants to perform it himself. Brandeis (within the play) threatens the student with possible academic punishment if he goes through with the schtick theft.

The New York Times is verified paid fake garbage, but they did include the link to the Brandeis paper covering the controversy.


The article's title is accurate except replace dissent with chicken shit. This is George Soros 101. This is CIA and FBI modern day cointelpro. Someone would have to be a complete moron to think Bruce or Weller were/are racist.

Coincidences like this happen to me all the time. Today I also stumbled onto videos explaining the difference between INFP and INFJ. I took the personality test quite a number of years ago and it was an eye opener. They scored me as INFP. However, now that I have heard some bits and pieces (hence the title) on alleged differences between the two, I am apparently an INFJ. This is a retraction. I am not INFP.

I judge the shite out of people. Integrity and authenticity form my inner core. There is something magical to the way I sometimes put stuff together. A close friend wondered if cointelpro thought I was a hacker because I had figured out a lot on Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin which led to my initial fifteen minutes of fame. I say initial because I've also had an "in fifty to one hundred years" schtick. So I might get some extra fame time in my next incarnation or two.

What was the question? Ha ha?

So yeah, the people at Brandeis are turds who can't think for themselves. They have been brainwashed by the system to such a point that they look like neoliberal idiots.

I would like a copy of the play. It seems to have Black Lives Matter involved in the plot. They don't like Weller's tone or the character I mean. When life imitates art, there tends to be an explosion of convolution leading to hysteria that the CIA and Soros love them some of that or that phrase the kid's use. I love meself some Boston Celtics basketball. That phrase. 

I love meself some censorship? Wow.

I need music in the background or I can't think.

I kind of ignore Bowie in the dress, but it's his best album. BUT I DIGRESS.

I think like Lenny. I have his personality. I went to Brandeis where his work is housed. I was born eight days after he died. My real name is extremely close to Steve Allen his good buddy who cut him breaks and tried to help him.

There's more but it's very let's say impossible to prove. The conditions are there. At a minimum, I am suspected of being the same kid. I am in the running. I would like to meet Kitty and get her opinion. It's said soul can't be faked. She'd know.

I am back on this blog. I love meself some writing.

I am not afraid of the U.S. military and their corruption. Someday perhaps in fifty to one hundred years their swamp will be drained. Hopefully sooner. But when it happens, perhaps descendant internet addicts will notice my blogging from the past which is actually right now.

We become the future's rear-view mirror. I'm actually trying to leave soul crumbs so my future incarnations will go aha, I'm that kid. Then it will be perceived that they were also Lenny. Those folks will leave soul crumbs, too, and so on and so on and so on and maybe so on some more. Then in all future incarnations, I can get the meaning of life crap out of the way more quickly, take power and eradicate cointelpro and fake news. The endgame is for all of us to chill out and live in peace and the reality which is Tao.

We are not supposed to live this way.

Oh, Lenny has a message for all the intellectual losers and posers dry-humping CIA divide and conquer and got the play cancelled.

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