Saturday, November 11, 2017

Illuminati Whores

The real question might be who isn't an Illuminati whore. How many people have you met who called it like it is in regards to the Military-Industrial Complex? I've met next to none except for during college where folks read books and worked with facts. I associated with people who had devoted their entire lives to study, reflection and teaching.

One of the great pleasures in life is telling scum to its face that they are not as smart, talented and beautiful as they would like us to believe. Kyrie Irving is great at basketball. However, there's no justification to flash the 666 symbol. I'm not even Christian. I am into Zen and what is. If someone promotes any kind of secret society sign, that's basically admitting he or she is a turd, scumbag and garbage.

Kurt Cobain sang, "I'm so ugly, that's okay, 'cause so are you."

Is Mila Kunis attractive? I guess so if one goes by a recent appearance on Conan.

But then if you look at pictures taken by the Stalkerazzi, it becomes clear that she is very ugly. This below is just one example of how much Hollywood is a lie.

Aaaw, she wants to spread love. But wait a second. How come there is a pentagram for the letter O? Why does Ashton Kutcher wear a Mason's hat?

We the people need to let these scumbags know that their guts are hated by placing a 100% permanent boycott on Hollywood. There are new Twitter rules. If you confront any of them directly, then be prepared for a suspension. There is no such thing as free speech. Thus, the only way we can stop the madness is by cutting off the demonic industry's income. The medium is a closed shop. It will not change through an increasing of the collective consciousness. That has been tried and is ineffective. The only option left is to take over the medium or simply admit that it's dead.

Men can be whores. This fucker below makes me so mad. Our country is extremely fucked up and it's easy to see who is responsible.

It is time to get very mad at all the scum who have ruined the world.

Cops are whores. Every single one of them who has broken the law needs to be locked up.

                                       cops planting drugs on a victim

The people who uphold the law should be the cleanest of all. But video don't lie and now most folks hate and fear the police for verified reasons.

Taylor Swift is someone who caught my eye when first seeing her. She was sooooo cute. But as time passed and awareness grew, it became obvious how very ugly nearly every celebrity truly is.

                                                 the beauty hoax

How fake is everything? How would I know? This is mere probing and living in the internet moment. Women slap on makeup. Photos and whatnot get airbrushed and wtf. Young women end up with eating disorders because they assumed Hollywood was real. Men develop complexes. Young people deserve the truth. Famous male and female sluts paraded around are not better looking or more talented than us everyday slobs.

We have been feeling inadequate for no good reason. We are in emotional turmoil because we've been socialised over whole lives to emulate or live vicariously through numbnuts propped up by the militarised entertainment paradigm.

The medium must stay dead in order for children to finally have a chance at a normal upbringing. Maybe books will make a comeback. Maybe someday "entertainment" will become worthy of one's time. But it ain't gonna happen in this lifetime, imho. Things are way too fvcked up.

I'm saying deal breaker. They say it's time to double down and gin up the fake. You will eat the fake meat or there'll be no pudding. That's from The Wall. We don't need no education and thought control. That was a good album. Subject yourself to authoritarian personality disorder and you'll get your materialistic treats. Keep waving the flag and supporting the troops if it makes you feel better, ya conformist pigs.

I see claims that there is something called autotune. Apparently the way people can fake as incredibly beautiful is similar to the scam which is studio music. The basic point is that if you listen to Taylor Swift and others when the conditions can't be rigged, it becomes clear that there is a definite lack of talent; that it's not what you know or can do, it's who you know.

                                       People are starting to wake up!

Joe Rogan is not a comedian or actor. Taylor Swift isn't a singer. These are truly interesting days. You can trace the modern day medium back to almost 200 years. That's when it started to form through literary devices. Edgar Allan Poe wrote articles. Mark Twain is an early pioneer, I suppose. We take this stuff for granted? Photography emerged, then movies and radio, onto television and the internet.

There has always been one constant amongst all the various techniques and platforms. It's called content. And there has always been an us versus them. They produce and we consume. They define what we think and who we are from behaviour management to sexuality. But people are starting to rebel. They are attempting to think for themselves.

Unfortunately, the ptb's knew you were headed in that direction. So they come up with an infinite number of Plan B's. That over there tricked you? That is bad. We are over here with the others. Rejoin us. Think Donna Brazile.

Deal breakers are finally emerging. To cops we see on video, the natural response is no, that must end. Football players are saying enough is enough. I agree with them, but football should be banned. It is barbaric and a health risk. There will be a never ending road of nothing ever improving if we do not let go of the medium's corpse.

If Taylor Swift can't sing, if Joe Rogan was never capable of doing stand-up comedy or acting, then what is going on? Maybe all of this is a hoax? I say yes.

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