Friday, November 10, 2017

The Elsagate Psyop

That's Max Headroom above. Elsagate seems to be about inappropriate Youtube videos gathering way too many page views to make sense. Weird spam gibberish has been spotted in comments. There is blatant lifting of copyrighted characters such as Spiderman and Mickey Mouse. There's a lot of stuff. It's very weird and unsettling.

I'm an ignoramus on the topic because I choose to not go too far down this specific rabbit hole. Here's a video. This guy is speaking my language. He speaks of psyops and alternate reality games.

                                 Is #Elsagate a PSYOP/ARG Run by Robots?
                                          The Honeybee, AI 2.0 (Lift the Veil)

The video maker runs another clip from somewhere else. It turns into a more traditional podcast around the 9:30 mark.

Huh, what about the harvesting of energy? Don't get too kooky on me, bro.

I liked how he mentioned George Webb and then the Defango guy. I had told Pappy Korn that Webb was an obvious fake. I have that kind of knack. Maybe it's a skill and my education was what enabled me to develop a cybersleuth/social critic schtick.

I really wasn't interested in Defungus. I already forget his name. But it appears that he was a plan B to Webb. There is always a next disinfo person or so-called community as a safety net for heretics.

Or that's how I see it. It happened with both Daily Kos and Democratic Underground. There was always a "next man up" offshoot forum to cater to the divided disgruntled.

I don't know if KornBreath was a paid fake or not. But if he was. Yikes, I sound like O.J.. If he was a paid fake, this is what happened. His role is to distract independent minds with ARGs (to co-opt and distort real stories) close to impossible to ignore. Pizzagate. The funny thing about David Seaman was I had already classified him as a paid fake well before he reemerged with any pizza stuff.

This may sound tough to believe, but I have found that the less energy one puts into chasing shadows to figure out the totality of internet fakes, the easier it is to perceive the elusive big picture.

Life happens in patterns. If you've watched one paid fake, you've seen them all. It's back to the idea of untouchable minds. Once one has applied discipline for good, inner strength is formed to shield oneself from outside hostile entities.

I don't like the word LARP. My gut tells me it is a cointelpro phrase in the batch including conspiracy theory, gaslighting and the evoking of authority in attempts to circumscribe all within the rigged internet bubble.

At the 34 minute mark, the dude goes after David Seaman.

I've been at this a very long time. I come to my own conclusions and pretty much go with the flow for what is created from fingers to keyboard. I am writing quite a bit more lately due to getting me arse suspended twice by Twitter. I'm terrified to go back there. I don't want my page deleted. If it happens, it happens. I feel safer here.

I'm going to have to tone down my Twitter.

He is apologising to someone if he had implied the other person was a government agent. He invites them onto his turd show. This guy himself could be part and parcel of the psyop. I don't have the time to vet. Perhaps I have the time but refuse to spend it on anything contained within the bubble that obfuscates and distorts social reality.

I wrote a blog entry on the internet bubble boy age or something. My stuff might not be great, but I was sort of prolific and some of it was very good. I know I'm not a paid fake. I know that it's obvious I am not one. That's what I mean. Saying you know you're not one could be said by anyone.

I'm not sure what it means to live outside the internet bubble, yet I know that's what I'm doing. I'm participating in "social media" but on my own terms. It is sorta kinda a leap of faith.

You know that you aren't them. You're not any of it. You're just you and that's good enough. We are not alone even if the internet makes it seem that way. Have fun surfing. Try to find the best stuff or make sense of what's in front of you.

Quit cable news. Quit cell phones. Quit internet "communities." They are all infested with old school mind control. Snowden and Assange have freed us. We are free. The nightmare is over. Let it rot. We are the untouchables outside of rigged scripts.

Potato. That's another one. Out of nowhere everyone was saying potato as if it's funny. Or bacon. Fvck off.

At 34:36 he whispers, "It's a big mess." That's my fricken phrase. Et tu, Pappy Korn?

Energy Harvesting? I guess I have to watch this through. There is a form of disinfo schtick in which someone will sound really good, but then at some point it's segued into the most insane garbage. It's like back the fvck up, wait a second. You just said such and such making the "kook community" look demented.

This is how it's done. There is circumscribing. Mimicry. If you look at the Snowden cyber magician documents, the power point presentation is right there. You don't need Greenwald for anything. It is eternal public info without copyright. But I'm not going to run around in circles explaining why The Intercept is gatekeeper garbage. I do like the Snowden documents. They are enlightening.

Spit it out on "energy harvesting."

He's saying things that make no sense. Now he is ranting about DeFango and expecting his viewers to run around like chickens with their heads chopped off.

Omg, this guy is saying that robots are producing Elsagate. He says Artificial Intelligence is hiring the actors. It's Stephen Hawking styled future fear mongering and dumb as bricks.

He says he hasn't even gotten into the psyop part of it. I've got thirty more minutes of this guy and then he's out of my life for good.

"If DeFango hadn't been slowed down. Well, he's the lynchpin."

See what I mean? There's always a Plan B. If you don't like DeFango, there's this guy. I just wanted to learn about Elsagate. Wow.

The weirdest part of all might be he looks and acts a lot like Seaman. He's also acting specifically like someone would if they were involved in and promoting a militarised alternate reality game.

This is getting too stupid. He is talking about a HoneyBee and George Webb. I am very suspicious of this guy! Yet, I kind of couldn't care less. My general thought is that this guy is mimicking me.

I've never seen him before. He's shifted the topic from wtf is Elsagate to discussing Webb. He name drops H.A.. He's boring the fvck out of me. I just want it to end.

 Yeah, why is he wearing ear pieces?

He gives away the show by never shutting up about AI. He's sounding like a fruitcake. He's taking serious issues such as cointelpro infested social media and weird videos at Youtube directed towards children and has turned it into energy harvesting (wtf?), Seaman, Webb and more in regards to the internet clown industry.

He is attacking someone named HoneyBee. How is he not part of the alternate reality game?

I can't speak for any of the so-called names (Honeybee?) except for Seaman, Webb and folks I've already looked at.

I can speak about these kinds of things because I was victimised by one. It was called Weinergate. It is conspiracy fact that the deep state fvcked with me. This guy gives me bad vibes. He is clearly scum. Folks shouldn't waste any time on such bullshit.

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