Friday, December 29, 2017

The U.S. Govt. Shut Down Me Twitter (part 3)

There are some current events I want to cover, but that schtick will need to be tabled. Someone finally got killed from a SWAT prank. That type of topic is up my alley since we all know about Brynaert and Neal. It was surreal to have ended up as a player in Weinergate. That is how I know so much. I am a primary witness and victim of the police state. One of the people who abused me in that was Brandon Darby. And after recently confronting him, I got the Twitter boot. But first came the Julian story.

My Twitter stats shot up to over 13,000 impressions for December 25. That's a modest number compared to many, yet still substantial. It showed that with a little effort, I am still able to disseminate ideas through words.

It soon became obvious that Julian deleted it himself or someone at Twitter did it.
This is how Trump's page looked when he got deleted? I guess there is no way to know what is going on.

There are a lot of nasty comments made towards Julian. If I responded with my true feelings, I would be deleted.

I despise paid fakes. The FBI and military-industrial complex are breaking laws by performing widespread psyops. Remember Sabu or Hal Turner? Rich fat pigs have all the senator and representative seats. Cops kill and abuse people without any repercussions.

Craig Murray is probably asleep. Maybe keep an eye on Pam Anderson's page. Julian Assange is the greatest human being alive and the only remaining possibility to save the planet.
Zero Hedge and all sorts of losers are trying to capitalise on it. The medium sucks. Marshall McLuhan explained wtf this is all about. Content is meaningless. It's a fricken Orwellian machine.

I always check [Julian's] page. He's the only person I believe in. There wouldn't have to be leaks if the U.S. government wasn't comprised of criminals and warmongers taking in all the data. I'm afraid to upload the Johnny Cash finger. Free speech is dead, so the medium can persist.

We're forced to go to Reddit Conspiracy and 4chan, but I doubt there's anything there.
There's maybe a handful of real people who post at reddit and the rest are disinfo agents.

Cointelpro accounts are swarming the [Twitter search] results.

Okay, we are finally up to the juicy stuff. Here is the form letter Twitter sent denying the appeal.

Your account has been suspended and will not be restored because it was found to be violating Twitter's Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against hateful conduct.
It is against our rules to promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease.
Additionally, if we determine that the primary purpose of an account is to incite harm towards others on the basis of these categories, that account may be suspended without prior warning.
You can learn more about our policy against hateful conduct here:
That's wicked awesome. The problem is none of the above is true. I did none of that. They didn't tell me which tweet broke those rules. As a leftier than thou who studied Social Theory in Ireland, I am incapable of doing so. I was banned for exposing cointelpro. There's no other explanation. And that they are sending out generic form letters proves that the appeal system is a scam. Twitter is garbage. It is part and parcel of the medium which must die for relevance. We must become the zeitgeist. That implies the need for a complete dismantling of how things are.

I was banned for speaking truth to power, while others calling for Assange's death don't get exiled.

Here we go again with the blue verification nonsense. If that's not one of the biggest scams concerning Twitter, then nothing is.

I had no idea who this person was and she was handing out no clues. She said go google it claiming all the info from college and resumes to police record is all there. I thought she was being silly and ignorant. I didn't yet realise she wants the man dead.
Twitter search Julian Assange and good luck finding a real post.
Meanwhile some other troll showed up on schedule named Brian Friedman. He is a Hollywood writer which is not saying much. I did a reverse-gaslight move after he piled on Julian.

Well, there is too much more to cram it all into this one post, so I'll conclude this part now. If there is a class action suit against Twitter for denying freedom of speech, I want in. I broke no rules or Twitter needs to ban everyone and shut down. But that would be too refreshing. Twitter needs to go the way of the dinosaurs.

It used to seem to be a free speech bastion. There are plenty of articles out there detailing that it has sold out. My schtick has never been outrageously trollish. I've become much classier in convolution rodeos. I will survive this blow because people shouldn't be wasting time on Twitter anyway. I had my own page. I wasn't getting lost in dumb-arsed troll threads. I went after real names. I focused on specifics and rules of academic thought. This isn't bragging. This is just saying.

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