Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Back to the Positive

This is the only Youtube kook I trust for sincerity. It's easy to get trapped in negativity. There is no more hidden information. The lightning fast capacity of the internet has extracted the truth while destroying past medium.

It's obvious there is a Hillary versus Trump psyop still in place to this day. Debra Messing is so proud her son believes in kneeling during national anthems. It apparently brought her to tears. This is further proof of the circumscribing of leftier than thous by neoliberals. My last entry spoke of the military's MK-ULTRA program. I called them demented scum. Messing is trying to buy her lefty credentials. What I mean is that she wants people to think she is an edgy liberal out to save the planet. Yet, come on. Give me a break. That is pure false ego. Hillary is a war criminal and Messing went all in for her. Fake is as fake does.

And the same goes for the other side. Trump and the Republicans are as demented as the neoliberals. They are two sides of the same status quo. This is the essence of why nothing ever changes. U.S. politics is circumscribed into the Military-Industrial Complex which is the shadow government and true power.

So to sum up, there is no way to fight the system from within. Both sides suck. Assange is the greatest human being alive, yet he hasn't tweeted since New Year's Eve. His last tweet contained mysterious computer code.

Here's part 2:

                        "Happiness an Unrealistic and Unattainable Goal"

This is the first guy I've found talking about the Illuminati who hasn't been a bible thumper. Happiness as constructed by society is a deal breaker. Check out the crap they have put on Nickelodeon. It's quite stupid and dangerous. The kids of today are getting dumbed down or that is the military objective and we shall see.

Britney Spears was a child star or Amanda Bynes is the best example. Look at what happened to her. It's a tragedy. Yeah, she seems to have cleaned up her act. I have my doubts she will get many acting roles in her comeback. Frances Farmer was a spirited woman. I think she ended up with a lobotomy and then made it back on t.v. as not the same kid she'd been as a young actress. Watch The Stepford Wives from 1975. That is a classic. But don't pay anymore for Hollywood. If the next generation is to become an army, a common goal should be to bring the medium to an end.

Assange and Snowden have provided enough proof for one to know everything that was taught in schools was outright cover up lies. Not only do both sides suck as pursued by the CIA to keep everyone dejected and divided, the internet is full of fake posts to the point in which sincere participation has been made impossible.

One must put together the best evidence. You cannot become attached to people like Joe Rogan or Cenk Uygur. It has become necessary to implement a zero tolerance for paid fakes. That means one must not become attached to any of the medium, not Reddit or Daily Mail. My schtick is motivated to find real solutions through McLuhan styled probing. I wish to be a conduit for the truth. I hope like-minded younger people will be able to take this as advice from a former teacher.

We need more Assanges. Just remember to know your limitations. Cointelpro agents are everywhere on the internet ready to engage and entrap.

It is time to disengage from any contact with paid fakes. Since they are all over the place, that becomes impossible to completely avoid.

One path out is to read real books and articles. If you have to listen to a kook, then this guy is sort of logical and Alan Watts is uplifting.

Real articles are tough to find. All websites are now contaminated, not just Raw Story. It seems difficult to fathom that everything is rigged, but I can't imagine people are not experiencing the same sensations. I see names like Slate, Salon, Mother Jones, Alternet, Breitbart, Drudge, pretty much everywhere is weak sauce to outright complicity. Everything is fake.

Ugh, part three is unavailable.

Here is part four:

            "I Wish Someone Had Told Me About This When I Was Younger!"

I don't agree with everything he says, but he has interesting opinions and a clean presentation.

Here's one more. The last couple months I got into Illuminati videos. Here he is on that. His name's Paul Romano. He seems to be a wise regular guy soul.

He's saying the Podesta Files "poked the beast" and that's why the psyops came into play. Snowden and Assange changed the world. The medium is fooling nobody. Vindicated kooks have become state-sponsored troll-proof. They become untouchable minds or deprogrammed.

Aaah, none of us were meant to make a dent. Americanos love themselves some conspiracies. We aren't afraid of the kook label. Bring it on. We want an end to war and surveillance. Top military personnel will need to be charged with treason. But then again, this is pipe dreaming. The superdelegates and big money are still running elections.

That I continue to blog after getting cyber smeared by paid government trolls, the same ones who f'ed with Barrett, this is proof that a dent was made. I'm just one guy. Multiply myself by millions of small time bloggers and lurkers. It's a hidden movement. It is anonymous. It learns by word of mouth from good people in real life. It avoids the Freemasons who planned all of this over centuries.

Everyone knows that neoliberals suck, Bernie was robbed and nothing was done about it.

Due to the heroic work of Snowden and Assange, the emperor wears no clothes. Illuminati, Schmilluminati! Fvck 'em.

I don't agree with Romano that there is a truther community or any internet community. At best there are acquaintances who share non-political bonds such as with sports or old movies. The military doesn't allow us freedom of speech and association. They are demented. There is nothing positive to them.

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