Monday, January 8, 2018

False egos push you towards the medium. I say shut it down.

Paul Romano is full of it. That demented Poppy is also nothing special. Romano is looking to make money off of viewers. He attacks the system while being part and parcel of it. He wants donations. I ask for no money. He refers to women as transgenders. He talks of clones and aliens as if they are real.

The new fad is in your face doublespeak hypocrisy. Romano ends each video admonishing the audience to be grateful. What he means is be grateful for him and his videos. If you want them to continue, show him the money.

Cable t.v. and corporate news are no different. Look at the two sides in the Iliad. It wasn't a matter of one side was good and the other evil. The message according to one of my professors was that they were complementary players. Think good cops versus bad cops, Yankees versus Red Sox, Letterman versus Leno, etc., since it is very easy to do. Think Democrat versus Republican. Think Marines versus the CIA. Think crisis actors versus what really happened. Think of a "free press" versus what is really going on.

That Poppy is a cynical one hit wonder bit of performance art. She is marketing to teenagers in order to get at their money. It is not an artistic cry out to the universe against Hollywood and computers. There is no out given. There is never any relief. Romano does the same thing. He wants us absorbed in false medium culture or he wouldn't keep going back to it for his content.

Paul Romano, a.k.a. Pockets of the Future, is directly linked to a cult.

For more info on the "Heartfulness" cult, you can try this link.

That's not my comment above, but it might as well be. Sorry for the small print. It's basically wondering about the authenticity of Romano's channel. Blogger lets one click on the picture to make it full screen for easier viewing.

I could barely churn out a blog entry per day if it's going to have a decent chunk of content and direction. I can write and edit quickly, but it is usually a free form presentation in which I haven't a clue how to begin or where it will progress.

I am basically in early retirement. That is how I can easily find the time to produce schtick. I am supported by a basic income. I am unable to purchase much more than food and basics. That is fine by me. I am not complaining. I feel grateful to be able to sleep, stay warm, eat well, exercise, write stuff and live in the moment.

It is not my goal to tear down everything and everybody. Yet, when I go out of my way to support someone who is making money off of the system and only figure that out after said accolades, I feel burned and then set out on a path of vengeance, the so-called walking it back.

I am not into whitewashing my mistakes. Life is definitely a journey. Alan Watts said to confront fear straight on. It's said denial is not a river in Egypt. Yes, I promoted Paul Romano and own that. Now I am disowning those kudos. I was very wrong.

It is clearly a cult. This is interesting.


For blog court purposes, no further socratisation is necessary.

Paul Romano is not a good person and is either a false prophet or government agent.

"Is Blac Chyna a Clone, Synthetic or Robot?"

The question to me is if Paul Romano is a snake oil salesman, cointelpro or a cult member who makes some money of his own off of it.

I make no money. This is called probing.

How is Paul ultimately any different than Alex Jones' discrediting of critical thinking? At least Jones has admitted in family court documents that he fancies himself as a performance artist. Everyone now knows Alex Jones is a proverbial paid fake in the Hal Turner/Coast to Coast/LaRouche genre.

There are no clones, synthetics (a new term?) or robots. I notice he leaves out the most obvious choice. Hollywood celebrities are partaking in perhaps the biggest cult on the planet referred to as the medium. It is a world based on selfishness and false ego. It is one in which Paul Romano continues to direct our attention towards.

I suppose I do that, too. But I am unpaid and not affiliated with anything especially to a cult.

I supposed I am a self-described BernBot. I have disclosed my education and pretty much the skeleton of my incarnation and its experiences. I've even pointed towards a previous incarnation, but the memories are sketchy at best. I haven't shared everything, but most of it. I studied such and such as these places, blah, blah. I tried to become a high school teacher, etc. and so forth. I have explained how I've been able to blog at a somewhat prolific rate. I have been very upfront in sharing the great thinkers and ideas I wish to emulate or probe further. It all finally came together for me personally when looking into Marshall McLuhan. And Alan Watts really started making sense.

But seriously, enough about me. I have no clue where my blogging is headed. I only know that I enjoy it. We sure as heck can easily predict how Alex Jones, Paul Romano, That Poppy or name the Whac-A-Mole will next proceed. To me, enough is enough.

We can also backtrack. One can learn of a Corey Feldman and then go backwards in time and see how he had already ruined himself with the McFeldMansion and the Corey and the Angels schtick.

But enough about Corey Feldman?

Romano claims t.v. is a gateway to hell, yet he keeps pushing it.

I lean to thinking he might be a government agent working in the "conspiracy story" department. However, my opinions are not equivalent to pay stubs. I'm glad it didn't take too long to figure him out. He is darn good at what he does, no doubt in me noggin.

Unfortunately for his schtick, he is all-in with promoting a cult and other just can't be true ideas such as clones, synths and aliens. I feel very stupid for not researching him better before promoting him. Ugh.

The idea of pockets of the future is deceptive fantasy. Pockets of awareness exist only in Tao.

I was going to drop another comment on him, but I'll just screenshot it for here. I am done directly fighting convolution rodeos. This is my existential writing exile here at DFQ2.

Paul is unsure whether Kim Kardashian is a women, a man, a clone, a look-a-like or a synthetic person. That's the last time I will share anything from him. He is permanently banned from my consciousness!

Yeah, I'm done listening to pockets of the future turds. He touches on real topics, yet then makes a mockery out of them. Meanwhile, he manipulates the audience to perhaps miss the absurdity of some of his claims or mistake them as satire or harmless metaphors.

The medium is clearly demented. Plastic surgery is for losers. Live and age as gracefully as possible. Enlightenment is not really that difficult. Perhaps take a brief looksie into existentialism. It makes it easier to accept that there are a lot of unenlightened people. No one else is you.

Paul Romano makes a mockery of "truther community" by bringing in robots and clones. That Poppy is sort of interesting. Please tell all teenagers or anyone else to not see her in concert. It is a scam like Corey and the Angels. Scam is perhaps the wrong word, but it's going to suck and stink.

Of course there are secret societies with vast power. So many big wigs are from Skull and Bones. Washington was a Freemason.

I could have touched up the above post but just want to move on. I'm hitting cancel and getting out of Dodge City.

F _ _ _  the medium.

I'm done, done.

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