Sunday, January 14, 2018

Hawaii Was Attacked For Supporting Bernie

                                       image from unknown source

I have no proof. It's either a gut feeling or an art project.

                                       Sorry, fellas. I made a mistake.

Look how nice and innocent the man seems. He made a mistake? Hitler made a mistake? That was an improvised line by Jerry Lewis in The King of Comedy. If you have a problem with it, blame France. Like Josephine Baker, I am forced to go across the pond in search of an audience. If it weren't for the French, this blog would have already been shuttered down. They are giving this joint some very nice shiny stats of late. It might be French intelligence.

Maybe I need some tunes to get going.

De Niro as Rupert Pupkin said, "I made a mistake, Jerry." Lewis responded, "Hitler made a mistake." It was cinematic history. It was one of the few lines that had slipped through defense authorisation procedures.

I don't believe in Smedley Butler quite the same way anymore. I think disinformation is the racket. It's claimed he helped stop a fascist coup in Amerika. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. To quote philosopher Johnny Lydon, "I could be wrong. I could be right."

All we are left with is anger and confusion? We're not meant to live this way.

What I'm theorising is that state-sponsored "conspiracy stories" didn't start with 9/11 or around the time Edward Snowden became a defense contractor. Nothing just happens. There are paid fakes all over the internet. Many of them have U.S. Military credentials. Steve Pieczenik. He is a verified "ex-military" guy who now spreads disinfo quackery disturbingly similar to the stuff Smedley peddled.

Why wouldn't there have been similar psyops back in the day? If America has always been a big fat lie and inside joke, as in it's always been rigged, then wouldn't the patterns of today be easily recognised in past schticks? McLuhan and Watts spoke of a rear view mirror. Use it or lose it?

The Marines will save us. Hmmm. Doesn't that sound familiar?

It's possible Smedley Butler was a form of Snowden styled patriot, but he might have also been a pioneer in simulating actions and outcomes through psychological operations. Why must every potential saviour originate from the military? Can we not simply accept at this point with everything known that the U.S. Military is garbage and needs to be taken over by civilian law?

Since the military is verified garbage, why would anyone expect solutions to come from within itself? Cancer can cure itself? Donna Brazile will save us?

No, Smedley Butler as potential disinfo agent is not off the table.

Reality is a racket.

                  "Universal Newsreel - Gen. Butler bares plot by fascists"

Perhaps Butler could have been the original Steve Pieczenik. People want to believe he was a great man, the best the military had to offer. I find it very difficult to believe there was a planned coup. It seems too good to be true that they approached Butler to lead it and that he refused and then exposed it.

The CIA doesn't want people thinking of the OSS or what form they came in before that. The FBI would rather not have anyone discussing Edgar J. Hoover.

It has emerged that the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex controls and manipulates every facet of the medium. No one needed Butler to expose the military as a massive private club of policemen protecting corporate interests. Mark Twain had exposed that kind of stuff decades previously.

Conspiracies are so real that the military developed "conspiracy stories" in order to distort the truth that powerful demented scumbags, turds and garbage have always been brain fvcking with masses of sheep.

It is called the status quo.The conspiracy works off of divide and conquer. We are manipulated into believing there is good versus evil. We are prodded into picking a side. We are not meant to know that it is a mere scripted surface. Many people are still apparently unaware that both sides suck. Many who know that is true are often still suckered into thinking there is good and bad within institutions (see Charlie Brown, Lucy with the football). There's nothing wrong with such organisations. There are some tumors, but good regular guys are cleaning it up. That sort of thingie.

Hillary nor Trump could have saved us. Alex Jones and Pieczenik are not saving us any day soon or ever. Oprah is not going to make things better. That Poppy is not correct that everything is going to be okay. Eisenhower was not a great man because he made some milquetoast address attacking the Military-Industrial Complex. He was a baby killing cvnt. Never forget that. J.F.K was not fighting against secret societies and the new world order. At best, he made things a bit more difficult in spots.

I was teaching when 9/11 happened. As a social studies teacher, I was allowed to cover the event for a whole week before they wanted us to move on. One class I had was titled, "Why do they hate us?"

They hate us because of the CIA, the military and corporations. They hate us because our media is rigged garbage. Maybe the question should have been, "Why does the U.S. government hate its own people?"

When are we going to wtfu and take control of the system? This is a dead end how it's going.

The Freemasons love to bring order out of the chaos they manufacture. That's the key element to their plan. They create problems in order to fake save us.

Yet, for the first time in human history regular people have the means by which to self-publish. Anyone anywhere can plug in the url to this page, for example, as much as they possess ability to go hopping over to Daily Mail or the garbage news source of their choice.

Regular people can make dents into the status quo, period. Demented disinfo agents and their handlers fear that this is precisely what's going on. They are in meltdown mode like the Wicked Witch. That is why the psyops continue at a maddening pace. Assange made incredible dents and that's why he is referred to as the greatest incarnation alive. So them known as ptb's ratchet up censorship and disinfo games. If the playing field was level, good would easily overcome the demented. Hello noise to signal ratio. Hello political correctness as a fake excuse to ban and silence.

Smedley Butler and Steve Pieczenik could boil down to the same fella. It's just that Butler is from way back in history making it very difficult to get to the bottom of what truly happened. Piezcenik is a failure because nowadays we have a greater capacity to discern fake from real. Everyone knows that Alex Jones is paid fake garbage. Maybe Butler ran in the same type of circles from his time, but that's from around 100 years ago and extremely difficult to socratise.

The simulated outcome might have been that America is the greatest democracy ever. Unlike European turd countries, no fascist ever got their dirty paws on our oval office. FDR was a big fan of the Masons. The country had been devastated from The Depression. There was either going to be social services and safety nets put in place or the shite was going to hit the fan.

Wall Street would rather have us go back to sleep than start a revolution to take what is rightfully ours- the God given right to peace, happiness, fairness, love, safety nets, and a society based on pure democracy and to everyone's benefit.

The medium and U.S. Military can kiss my butt.

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