Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Ireland, Hollywood and the Church Destroyed Dolores O'Riordan

There's obviously a very effective cover up in place. No one knows why or how Dolores died. The most obvious theory would be accidental drug overdose or suicide. The latter might be far less likely since she was apparently a devout Catholic who had kissed the Pope's hand. But she might have done that. Forty-six is too young to die. I suppose it's possible she had something like a heart attack. Maybe some answers will be revealed soon. There's really no way to know right now.

Yet, it's pretty clear that she was not a happy camper. I didn't know she tried to kill herself in 2013 or had a strange airplane rage event. The Irish tend to get a wee bit emotional off of booze. From what I can see, she was giving off a vibe of deep shame. She seems to have fallen down the same path as Sinead O'Connor. Fame no longer seems to be anything good or worth the money.

O'Riordan must have felt trapped in a double bind perhaps mixed in with a mid-life crisis. In a world of dualities, it is often very difficult to stay balanced. Fame and glamour is a dead end. It damages the psyches of both actors and audience. It has evolved into an excessive stew of narcissism plus voyeurism. It is very difficult at this point to pick any celebrity from past and present and either respect them or feel jealousy.

I lived in Ireland for five years. Those people got historically brain fvcked by both the British and the Church. They are nicer and better people than us, for sure, but there is no escape from materialism and controlled experience even in the land of green grass and gorgeous nature. All religion and non-religion in modern day society boil down to cults. Human beings are caged within an epic battle between the status quo and enlightenment, restricted movement versus free thought, and clouded paths pointing towards lightness of being or inorganic conformity.

Folks can't have it both ways. One cannot be both slut and monk, star and regular guy or free while participating in the medium. Everything comes at a price. One cannot be both rebel and role model. Dolores was too good and classy a woman to survive as a pop star. She wasn't strong enough to keep the two separate. She couldn't just keep her chin up and live out life gracefully. She must have been on medication. At some point she found herself on a bipolar path. There was talk of her being abused as a child. So, she must have been hurting throughout the whole career despite becoming rich and famous.

I saw the Cranberries right before they made it big. I had been in the right place at the right time. They played at the college bar in Cork. We were very impressed, as in wow, that sounded really good. Life is about continual new points of departure from the now. Everything becomes a major factor in one's development- parents, culture, schools, peers, medium, technological change and government. There is carnal knowledge. There is a clear difference between youth and maturity. It is easier to be confused than strong. We are always the same soul, but after certain events there is no going back.

What binds us and provides some hope is a collective growing awareness that social reality is not the way it should be.

Well, it looks like French Intelligence has finally hit the road. Blogger only provides the most basic of stats, so all I can see is that a massive amount of page hits were coming from France. Two days ago, the blog got 1,707 hits. Yesterday saw a big drop off all at once and finished at 994 views. Today so far has only accumulated 81 views.

I did a bit of research and French intelligence is clearly into military capitalism and spying. France expressed shock and dismay in 2013 with the Snowden documents. They were very fake mad because in December of that year a law was passed making it legal for the French military to spy.

France was doing pure doublespeak. It had been reported by Le Monde in July 2013 that their military buggers were part and parcel of Snowden's revelations.
France's foreign intelligence service intercepts computer and telephone data on a vast scale, like the controversial US Prism programme, according to the French daily Le Monde.
The data is stored on a supercomputer at the headquarters of the DGSE intelligence service, the paper says.
The operation is "outside the law, and beyond any proper supervision", Le Monde says.
The French government is full o'shite. I see no other explanation than that quite a number of their spies were studying this blog over approximately a two or three week period. I hope the scumbags enjoyed themselves!

All governments are illegal. They break human right and national laws. When caught, they simply fake legalise the criminal activity.

They completely control and manipulate social media. I saw a bunch of tools promoting a Buzzfeed article claiming the O'Keefe Twitter investigation was full of lies and distortions. Yet, Buzzfeed seems to have gotten their arses sued for smearing Trump with the Russian dossier hoax. Up is down. Hot is cold. Blah, blah blah. Rinse, flush and reboot.

Our political military system is fvcked up. France is also demented.

It is inconceivable how despicable and deranged one must be to work for the military, but they are everywhere. Quite a number of them were all over this blog. I'm not exactly sure what the point of all that was. It's like trying to make sense of someone who would say some women liked being raped. It's trying to understand why someone would commit violence.

We can know for sure that state-sponsored mind control and surveillance dominates the internet by stepping back from it. We can further enhance such an endeavor by studying it on one's own terms. McLuhan referred to this as probing.

I will simply restart on the challenge for self-enlightenment and the lightness one feels when nailing expression of thought. People have been boxed in. One should look at social media participation as a massive collection of individual habits. First try to quit cable t.v. news. Then quit internet mainstream media. Then wake up and smell the fake aroma of  so-called alternative media. Stop allowing one's chain to be yanked by demented allied governments.

Crush all the profits everywhere. Bring the system to its knees.

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