Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Jesse Jackson Was Apparently Involved in the Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination and the Truth About Ben Swann

This is fascinating in a depressing way. The internet is opening up a flood of information. Anyone who is able to discern fact from fiction is now able to get to the bottom of a lot of historic controversies. This is why the "conspiracy story" program is in full operation. It's why the internet is flooded with more than an organic amount of confusing narratives. It is why censorship is on the rise. U.S. military intelligence is collectively wetting its pants. Genies are out of bottles with paid disinfo fvckers left holding the bag.

A Reverend Samuel Billy Kyles made a freudian slip and admitted to his involvement in King's assassination. Dick Gregory had a copy of this and it can be found on Youtube. I think Judge Joe Brown was one of the last to preside over the criminal case. I'm determined to make no extra efforts in the creation of these connected words. Joe says no way did James Earl Ray pull the trigger. Ray apparently signed an Alford plea.

The reason why I am no longer doing long-winded "socratisations" with links and whatnot is because the nature of the medium beast is to bog us down in piles of horse shit. Less has become more.

It's painful to find out Malcolm X and M.L.K. Jr. were flawed. Malcolm X for all his greatness became well-known through his putting the Nation of Islam on the zeitgeist map. It doesn't mean that his speeches weren't greatness. To me, it is scary to know that one must join a crap organisation in order to become famous. I am separating the greatness of Malcolm X from his cult membership. Thankfully Malcolm X woke up before it was too late. Such waking up led to his death through Farrakhan. It is a double bind. To stay alive, one must die spiritually. To awaken spiritually is to endanger one's life.

I can't tell if King was a Freemason. There is too much to sort through. So what follows is my guess. He was not a Mason, yet he had nothing against them. I imagine the bad guys (Prince Hall Boule schtick) actively worked to recruit and/or influence him. I think he was headed towards a more socialist view for solutions. I do not think King was a fake or dishonest. The extent the FBI went after him including an attempt to get him to commit suicide proves he was a threat to the status quo. To murder him was the deep state decision to steal his mojo. It's currently being attempted against great man Julian Assange. They desire to control all forms of thought and power. Just three weeks ago, a law sponsored by John Lewis and signed by Trump with King's niece in attendance created a historic park in King's honour including the Prince Hall Masonic Temple.

Sharpton was an FBI sewer rat. That is conspiracy fact. Jesse Jackson is a mason. I am a pasty white man. I have more Black soul than either of them. This is Divide and Conquer 101. There is no pigment in soul. Mark Lamont Hall is in the secret society. Such [Stepin Fetchit's] make it big as fake activists for a reason. They joined the club.

Ben Swann is in the conspiracy news because he finally got canned by the Atlanta t.v. station. He reopened his kook websites or something. I'm trying to express myself without relying on links or however "they" desire us to become brain caged. I'm thinking of what McLuhan was warning the students. Yeah, sure, I am part of the structure as a prof, McLuhan that is, going on t.v. etc., yet all content is meaningless and we are dinosaurs. It's time to get busy a probing.

I started to figure it out through Twitter. I partook in none of the stupid threads. I used it like here or how it's done on many forums. I desire the cessation of providing every fricken footnote with a bibliography. One must learn how to say fvck off to the medium. It is dead or dying. The medium in itself is rigged to pervert and steal messages. The deep state not only killed Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., they stole their schticks and circumscribed them within the oppressive social structure.

Oh yeah, on Ben Swann. The guy is one of ten kids from far right Christian wackadoos. He was home-schooled by some lady famous for creating fast track learning. I think Swann graduated high school by 15 and was some kind of wonder kid phenom. He's very presentable.

He isn't a Mormon but studied at Brigham Young. He's got degrees in liberal arts and maybe History. I'm lazy. He's smart. He's also been on with Alex Jones. He worked at RT. He's aligned with the so-called conservative Truther movement. He sounds much more reasonable than an Alex Jones. Be very careful in trusting this guy. I don't have the time to vet him more than this, but if something seems too good to be true, it usually is.

He could be just another hand preventing people from thinking for themselves. The medium in itself is the problem.

That was a decent show on Pizzagate. I'm not trying to debunk him per se. But there are warning signs. His job just might be to act as the Cenk Uygur for that "patriot" kind of personality. Paid fakes are not necessarily obvious. There is no such thing as internet community or at least any on a big platform. This guy's job might be to keep that group herded.

One kook I was listening to said we all tend to join different groups with choirs and various schtick tendencies and whatnot. I'm paraphrasing. We get boxed into bricks. Then all the bricks are put together forming the masonic pyramid.

It's hard to trust anyone who would be a guest on Alex Jones and provide Infowars with credibility.

"Judge Joe: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate Martin Luther King Jr."

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