Saturday, January 20, 2018

Mars Argo Got Ripped Off?

This person was the original Poppy. Her stage name was Mars Argo. Her real name is Brittany Sheets. She has an IMDB page and seems to be a struggling actress. The Titanic Sinclair guy is really Corey Mixter with a criminal record. His crimes may have been speeding and driving without a license. I think it could be more, but that's speculating. There are a lot of weird channels that have formed or focused a wee bit much around the twisted, pointless and demented Poppy ARG. Poppy does not seem to be a real actress or singer, more of a wannabe. Mixter and her have manufactured fake success through the internet.

There are Mars Argo videos at Youtube in which she is clearly the original Poppy character. Maybe she is getting ripped off. I am not a lawyer and the problem with all three is that they are never themselves nor explain anything. Like I said in the entry on Poppy, there is never any relief. Andy Kaufman was always Andy Kaufman and not faking his identity.

The Illuminati joking around is beyond garbage. It's not funny. I finally saw the Taco Bell ad. I doubt any of this is a coincidence. It is synthetic grassroots movement or manipulated trending. (I'm lucky lately to get 100 views in a day since the French left. I do this for a pure love of the game.) The commercial ptb's want the audience to believe that Poppy's success was an organic trend. Other paid fakes are saying come over here. We are the organic ones. You are getting sleepy, very sleepy, come here and join in with some clicks.

Real singers, uhm, actually have good voices with range.

It's like how there were two actresses playing the one daughter on Roseanne. Does Mixter own the copyrights to the character? I thought Mixter and Sheets worked together. If I haven't made this clear, the Poppy character played by Moriah Pereira was already done by Brittany Sheets.

The problem is everything is twisted into an alternate reality game.

Sheets seems to have two Youtube channels and is getting next to nothing for subscribers and views.

Okay, I think it's finally making sense. Mixter is apparently a total scumbag who cheated on and abused Sheets. The one-dimensional actress playing Poppy named Pereira is as unoriginal as one can be and is merely copying the Mars Argo character. Sheets seems to be trying to move on and have a normal life while still pursuing an acting career. If she is in on the alternate reality game, she can basically fvck off with the rest of them, but right now I think she was used, abused, discarded and then copied by the scumbag and the replacement.

There's other stuff that I'd also like to see verified, but I'm not going to run around for something this stupid. I know scum and fakes when I see it. Apparently Jay-Z has endorsed Mixter. He too enjoys dry humping Masonic imagery. I despise all scumbags, period.

This guy below is apparently stalking Brittany Sheets and won't leave her alone. He might have made hundreds of videos over one year just on all those people. He likes to flash satanic symbols too. He doesn't get that many views, so I'm not sure how he is making any money. He seems to video blog full-time and
responds to a lot of comments. It feels like he is being paid by the FBI or wtf paid fake three letter organisation under the Five Eyes "Conspiracy Story" project. Cointelpro is starting to label stuff as projects, like "Project Monarch" and Project MK-ULTRA. It is really that stupid and obvious.

This clown gives off definite vibes of being a cointelpro gaslighting operation:

I think he makes himself look gay on purpose. He's definitely trying to fvck with people by making weird signs.

Look at his hand. He is preparing to make the symbol.

And then he shows it for less than a second. This is Alex Jones styled activity just fvcking with people on purpose.

He should change his Twitter name to @PaidFakeDogshit.

Here's a link with alleged screenshots of dm's between Sheets and Mixter.

It appears Poppy no longer has her contract with Island Records and VEVO. It seems to becoming obvious that Mixter is a scumbag and Poppy is an untalented hack actress who stole another woman's destiny. I think Sheets will win in the long run with a good life. I think Poppy and Mixter will be forgotten within a few years. It's a cynical marketing gimmick. Let all the teenage girls know that it's fake. It's not satire. It's a rip-off. It's satanic. There will be no relief and it could possibly be quite dangerous to young minds. Tell them to spend their money on real music.

I left a comment on one of her videos titled, "What should I do?"

I don't respect the Illuminati angle. Like I've said before, it is unoriginal to keep going with the same one-dimensional schtick over and over again like a worn out SNL skit that was barely funny to begin with. It's why Poppy and Director TurdFace will sooner or later become irrelevant, while I am still probably cranking out blog entries for 100-200 people who know good schtick when they see it. God bless the audience is anything but hyperbole. I wouldn't mind making small contact with her. I'm curious about all the Illuminati stuff. Hell yeah, just give us the out. Give us some relief. Why does everything have to always be a mind fvck?

Her ex is certainly a demented piece of shite. There's no doubt of that. Here's a comment that makes sense:

I guess the other possibility is that Sheets is in on everything and all of it is garbage, but I'd rather give her the benefit of the doubt unlike the obvious scoundrels. I'm done. Wow! Wtf, fricken.

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