Thursday, January 11, 2018

Medium Content

Freeman was a goofy "new age" pothead styled conspiracy kook during the G.W. Bush years. He made a lot of good points but his simulated outcome always boiled down to aliens. Like Alex Jones, he came from a family of Freemasons.


I'm not linking to Freeman. The above is a link to a video on cointelpro.

Poppy is doing an Illuminati schtick. I think Freeman was basically promoting Freemasonry and that's why he ultimately failed. How stupid was that? How could a conspiracy theorist be pro-Mason? Why would anyone promote a tool such as Manley Hall? I'm not saying Freeman did. I don't remember much about him. He is clearly in that same kind of demented ballpark. Alan Watts and Krishnamurti hit the spot without rubbing it out because they said all authority is worthless trash. They pointed to a way out of the big mess. Poppy, Freeman, Jones and many more simply solidify the collective nightmare of a manufactured, fictitious Fourth Estate without an ounce of organic movement.

The medium is the source of all shaking and cold sweats.

Poppy portrays herself as an MK-ULTRA child slave. One is planted convolution (Freeman), while the other (Poppy) is making money off of state-sponsored conspiracy stories. One works for the system while the other works off of it. Yet does it ultimately matter whether one is a paid fake or useful idiot? Do they not both work towards the same conclusion of a demented now?

Talk about kook dissonance. It is a new day as I brush up this rough draft from last night. The same choice is in front of me. What am I to do with this electronic day? Oh, the Celtics are in London playing Philadelphia. That is at 3:00 p.m. E.S.T.. That will kill a couple hours.

The only thing keeping Alex Jones afloat has to be the mainstream media. No one likes him anymore. No one still thinks he is funny or entertaining. The joke has been and continues to be on us. He is one more reason why the medium must die.

Alex recently fake flipped his lid going after Brian Stelter. He must have been doing a parody on me. I went after Stelter on Twitter. I raged against the paid fake machine. Yet, the joke is on them because I am a mere small time blogger. I was never going to make it big on Twitter anyway. All big social media websites including that dump are built to fail. Marx said that capitalism would destroy itself. That is what I see is going on with the medium; for social media as an endgame massage is part and parcel of capitalism. They both boil down to the same death principle.

Twitter, Stelter and Jones all need each other. To me, they are done.

The medium is definitely comprised of scumbags, turds and garbage who are direct threats to humanity despite Alex Jones portraying similar sentiments. It's okay. Poppy says everything is going to be fine. Sure thing, sweetie. I am finding ways to stay busy without any of them. I socratise and then move on. One must drive their own bus.

I might check for the occasional Assange update. Otherwise, Twitter might as well be defunct. Real people do not waste much time there if at all. And unfortunately it's not just about Twitter. It is about everything and every website. Except mine, of course. Pure schticks transcend state-sponsored status quo convolution.

It was typical Alex Jones. I posted a fricken burning flag a few entries back. He is a government agent. It's true. So I don't watch him. The internet is dumb and done.

How many times can it be spun that Poppy is doing an art project and satire? We get it. Paid fakes love the phrase art project. It's art, man. It's just a project. It's just a joke. Lighten up, Francis?

That is astroturf. Videos referring to her as MK-ULTRA and Illuminati are beyond dumb and rather insane. Her act is stupid. I finally reached her Wikipedia page and she worked for some kind of Japanese media corporation. It's like I said. Poppy is akin to a Saturday Night Live sketch that gets dragged out, made into movies and all sorts of merchandise. Its blind spot is a lack of awareness of freshness dates.

I hate all entertainers who use Illuminati satanic symbolism. It's stupid. I'm sick of internet society with its collective whore schtick. There are thousands of famous women who have destroyed their faces with plastic surgery. I don't watch stupid award shows. I'd rather play TriPeaks or Wii Golf, something pointless like that, than to get bogged down in medium crap serving no purpose. At least playing cards is chewing gum for the mind. The athletic video games are a bit of exercise. The Winter forces one indoors. One must be wary of the internet as all powerful medium.

There is intellectual integrity to preserve. Deals have been broken. There are no more fvcks to give. Website articles and comments are rotting which is a good thing. Let them die, so humanity can emerge. Yeah, so anyway, Poppy is no good because her schtick is stupid and repetitive. Perhaps mine is also, but I am unpaid and sincere. For Poppy, there's no there, there to the point in which nothing more is needed to be added. The only people buying her act are kids who don't know better. Look at Corey Feldman. He tried the same thing and I am not hearing too much anymore of his going on tour. His fake band seems to be done.

Poppy is not a real musician. Her popularity is rigged by the corporations which inked her to contracts.

I would bet good money Freeman was a paid fake.

I slept on it. Cyber cult of personality Freeman was produced for the the kinder, gentler weed loving conspiracy kook. The best part was how he would shift the background scenery. His show was done fairly well for production values begging the question if he was a paid fake or not. There must be a lot of paid fakes living out existential nightmares. And well they should, for Lord Godhead truly wants us to aim higher with spirituality.

I may have slept on it, but there's nothing more to add.

I have been having very funky dreams lately, although I can never remember them. One can just tell there was a lot of shit going down but in movie style within one's head for deep sleep.

Poppy is the new ooh la lah girl? When I was a kid, the medium cornered me into buying the Grease album. It was the soundtrack for the Travolta and Newton John movie. Later on I wasn't even embarrassed. Kids are always being manipulated into becoming the next batch of capitalist pig adults, so why would I have ended up any different?

I have been in pursuit of the meaning of life since the age of 20.

The ptb's don't want kids to learn that nothing means anything.

I think Poppy may be a rip off of Lisa from David and Lisa. That was a movie based on two teenagers or young adults with mental issues. She reminds me of the character Lisa who was also a simpleton. What this Moira or Poppy wtf is doing is despicable. It's basically a form of schtick theft. And the hook is that she is the young person's inside joke fighting against computers and plastic internet existence. Alex Jones does "performance art" stealing Bill Hicks' character. How is Poppy any different playing off of programmed conspiratorial fears? Where is the relief? Where is the out? Yeah, there is none.

Okay, a typo might have led to some more insight. Remember, life is about probing with an open mind. Her real name is alleged as Moriah Pereira, not Moira. While spell checking this rough draft, I have just located a bunch of Moiras associated with the word poppy. That must be how she came up with the name.

I find that suspicious.

The U.S. Military wants young people to stay in a loop similar to that which every era has been subjected.

Generation X was one of the better eras. We were very successful in figuring out better ways to live, then the CIA simply brought in triangulation and the Clintons. The rest is sort of history.

That Poppy looks and sounds like a little girl. She is actually 23 and very demented. Don't be the chump who buys into it. Don't buy into anything.

Brian Stelter is dog shit and an enemy to humanity. Jones can mimic me all he wants. Truth always remains truth. It is a form of prime number which cannot be reduced. It is similar to the soul which transcends all state-sponsored illusions. Alex Jones is a paid fake working for a deep state or military which functions to keep us trapped in frustration and mindlessly absorbed within worthless content.

You will outgrow Poppy. (I am speaking to the kids in the audience. I'm actually speaking to everyone. I liked the David and Lisa movie. Poppy kind of turns me on in a dirty old man kind of way but only because I know she is legal. Same with Selena Gomez. That is called lust and is dangerous to one's mental health. Porn is lust. The key to life is meeting and connecting with real people and nature, not lust.) I want to forget about Poppy and all things which are demented. Everything is rigged and sucks including Alex Jones.

It makes me so mad which is the ultimate double-bind. Alex Jones is mocking humanity. Alex Jones is the devil's child. He is the one who reeks of sulfur and must be stopped along with Brandon Darby. Weinstein got some little pats on the face. I love witnessing bad people get the schadenfreude they deserve forcing fake news to cover it. The U.S. government is the real terrorist and source of all terror. Never forget that Julian Assange is the de facto world leader.

                                          "prying open my third eye"

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