Tuesday, January 2, 2018

None of this is real

Tonya Harding is finally admitting she knew which is funny odd seeing I made a tweet on her about a week ago. I said she'd do an "O.J. Simpson if I did do it, that is how I done it, not saying I did or done nothing to nobody" sctick. And she done did it.

How did I know? It's called breaking away from the pack and the twisted medium. When one takes control away from mind control processes of the status quo, one can then perceive anything. It's called freedom or free thinking. Tonya is saying she knew but didn't know, if you know what I mean.

Aaaw, Tonya needs a hug.

Julian Assange is still missing in action from Twitter. His final comment seems to imply something has changed. Yet, he has also shown a mastery of the rickroll. DFQ2 will continue to monitor the situation.

Meanwhile, Britney Spears is back in the fake news. She is making concerts and whatnot.

We'll just forget about this?

                                  "Britney couldn't handle it anymore"

   Hiya, fellas. I've been a child star since age eleven.
Sorry for appearing a bit unhinged.

The best infotainment for child star breakdowns has to be in regards Amanda Bynes. Everyone knows this. In fact, for the younger readers out there, none of this is new news. Look into Judy Garland's life. She never needed no autotune. She could sing and act with the best of them, but unfortunately Hollywood has always been demented. It has controlled and manipulated the public psyche for about 100 years. That era is now over. The internet has consumed all previous medium.

Britney Spears is a demented Illuminati whore. There, I said it.

Charlie Sheen is a demented man whore, yet I'm not a big fan of rewriting old news. While he didn't become famous until around age 18 or 19, he had been in a few uncredited roles as a child. His dad was a famous actor. Hollywood kills audience brain cells along with the personal identities of the trash which shoots for so-called stardom.

                                  It's the big secret, fellas. Please donate.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of Iran has given away the siopa for the new world order. Criticism is okay, but we'll have none of those violent shenanigans. Yet if this were the case, why is the Iranian government blocking the internet and why is Google complying?

Fake democracy relies on the illusion of free speech to keep everything in status quo motion. It would tell us to cut it out if we ever figured out a way to crush the medium's hold on the collective consciousness. What Snowden and Assange accomplished may be referred to as extra-parliamentary activities. They showed that the only path towards making huge dents into the system is by attacking it from the outside. Fighting the system from within accomplishes squat.

Look at Twitter. Losers with check marks are allowed to call for Julian's death. Those who disagree are banned or drowned out by astroturf which minimises and desecrates his true genius. Not everyone is a turd who pledges allegiance and kisses military butt. Not everyone is a brainwashed automaton and tool of the state apparatus.

We know much due to the academic work of Marshall McLuhan. He showed how the medium is a machine non-reliant on meaningful content. It is an Orwellian endgame in itself. People tend to not be discernible when ingesting content. It merely goes into the brain and drains one of cosmic energy. I've seen a number of articles which steal from McLuhan's schtick while leaving out the most obvious conclusions. This was referred to as circumscribing by C. Wright Mills. Such clowns imagine that McLuhan was arguing for techniques by which to master mind control on consumer targets. They deliberately or unconsciously ignore the ultimate idea McLuhan must have been pointing us towards, that the medium must die for humanity to become reborn.

He predicted the internet. He said that through computers we'd all become personal encyclopedias with all information at our fingertips. We'd become specialised. He encouraged us to probe the medium. Well, fast forward about fifty years and it's quite past time to transcend simpleton games of one-upmanship based on the evoking of authority. Censorship is on the rise. Nothing is ever done about corruption at the highest levels of power. How could anyone still think it is possible to fight the system from within?


What the heck were you thinking, Dave?

I really liked this dude's reinvented schtick. He went to Africa. He tried to free himself from the cult of personality. It seemed that he had figured out the meaning of life and stuff. I gues snot. He is currently making stupid jokes concerning Louis C.K. and Kevin Spacey.
I've been to a lot of parties in my day. Never been to a good one that had 14-year-old boys in it. Rapp grew up to be gay anyway.
Kevin Spacey sniffed that shite out like a truffle pig, and not to victim-blame, but it seems like the kind of situation that a gay 14-year-old kid would get himself into.

All joking aside, Kevin Spacey shouldn't have done that [schtuff] to that kid. He was 14 years old and forced to carry a grown man's secret for 30 years.

The saddest part is, if he had been able to carry that secret for another six months, I would get to know how House of Cards ends.
And thus in one stupid monologue, Dave Chappelle has tossed himself into the turd batch. He's now just another scumbag and garbage. Demented is as demented does.

Hollywood Women Will Save Us!

Hollywood is starting to get very desperate. The word is circulating that their movies suck and are no longer worth paying for. So, it is apparently time for a makeover. Don't fall for it. Don't pay one cent ever again for entertainment. Let the medium die.

Streep and others are putting together big money to fake fight sexual harassment. It is a public relations stunt. What I am praying for are earthquakes. It would be pretty cool if all the studios were destroyed by Mother Nature. Or just stop paying for it and it won't be necessary to wish for natural disasters. Tool covered this. Flush it all away, indeed.


Suicide is not an option

I've been very fortunate to never be suicidal. I do think euthanasia should be legalised and it sort of is anyway. When someone's body is devastated by disease, hospitals pour on the morphine to cancel out the pain. When all hope is lost, that is when a nurse may apply a bit extra to end life. Emotional psychic pain on the other hand is a whole other apple or orange. It is never a valid reason to end life.

Cointelpro wants people to come forward and admit to such a proclivity. This is shocking, but not really. They are the varmints who tried to get Martin Luther King Jr. to off himself. That is conspiracy fact, as is Hal Turner.

I stumbled across a Reddit subforum named Sanctioned Suicide. A paid fake sock puppet came to my attention. I now see that it has deleted all of its posts but one.

Young people are getting their arses gaslighted on an unimaginable level we old codgers never had to endure. I won't link to that disgusting forum which shouldn't exist. One can leaf through it and find the most obvious cointelpro tactics used. The term is honeypot. Paid fakes should not be fooling anybody real at this point. Only people on the edge remain in jeopardy. Authentic people are cutting back on making posts.

If anyone is feeling suicidal, please call the hotline or otherwise find caring professionals who will help you work through issues. Trust that life always gets better. The system doesn't want folks to know how special each of us is. We must find a way out of the big mess which currently means the addictive fake shit referred to as internet social media.

I find a bit of peace through blogging. Free expression represents the life principle. It's a tragedy what the demented military-industrial complex is forcing onto humanity, but giving up is never an option. Keep your chins up and try your best to find real content that will help you evolve spiritually. Life does get easier. The system wants us to think otherwise. Negate the system. Become your own system with patterns based on love and awareness. I am praying for Julian and all of us.

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