Sunday, January 7, 2018

Paid fakes are easily recognisable

The above is from a Snowden document we were never supposed to see. If one looks below the word "Group" towards the middle on the left side, one can see the phrase "Conspiracy Stories."

The alien nonsense is pushed by the Military-Industrial Complex. There is a Canadian piece of trash named Paul T. Hellyer who was Defence Minister. He claims the big secret isn't Hollywood pedophilia but is rather the aliens and technology discovered in the Twentieth Century. He mentions Wernher Von Braun. He refers to his own personal friend, a cointelpro loser named Carol Rosin. This is all very obvious. Paid fakes are extremely obvious. Wtfu.

Tom DeLonge works with these people. The Five Eyes refers to the five English countries and their cooperation as treasonous cointelpro fat fvcker faces. They are indoctrinated scum for lack of a better phrase. They are the biggest threat to humanity.

They rig search results, so that one is always led back to inane madness. I thought I had found a reasonable kook in Paul Romano, but it turns out he apparently believes in clones and aliens. He must then either be a government agent or a deluded fool strawman?

The list is seemingly endless. There is a Morgan O. Reynolds with government credentials. He claims that there were no planes nor hijackers used on 9/11.

Nonsensical conspiracy theories saturate the internet in order that realistic questions are never discussed. The 9/11 no-planes idea was planted by the Five Eyes in order to make a mockery of free thinking. It directed the inquisitive towards gaslighting and confusion. Something as strange as Building 7 collapsing into itself despite not being hit by the planes is turned into holograms, fancy fake studio productions or wtf.

"Crisis actors" is a similar fake story line. Flat earth is another.

Free thinkers were herded into fictitious internet communities controlled and manipulated by cointelpro agents as exposed by the Snowden documents. This power point below pretty much sums up what that entails.

"Attention drops at the perceived end"

This is divide and conquer 101.

If you are a kook, proceed to that line. Grownups are requested to go in the other direction.

Conservatives go over there. Liberals come here. That sort of thing. And this is done for every conceivable topic. No one is safe from the deep state. No one is allowed to be free.

Joe Rogan is a media cointelpro agent.

One would have to be a stupid moron to believe in "ex-military" people as whistle blowers and especially when they speak of such insane garbage. True freedom fighters or however they are referred to as a batch do not go on silly, cheap internet shows and express outrageous things that can't possibly be true. Like Snowden, such a courageous libertard or wingnut could end up exiled in Russia. Assange is the true good guy greatness and is currently housebound in the Ecuadorian embassy.

This is Whac-A-Mole 101. You can take care of disinfo paid fakes, but more will keep emerging.

Robert O. Dean is an "ex-military" UFO kook.

Ellen is asking what is a deep state. "Uh, uhm, what is that? I've never heard of that. What could it mean?"

Sure thing, you're so believable, Ms. DeGeneres. That might as well be a science term. It sounds Greek. It sounds alien.

That's my poor attempt at sarcasm, but that is usually gonna turn up in mailed in entries at some point. There is a fine line between producing fresh schtick and being unduly repetitive. But I am just playing the game that cointelpro does. It's not my fault I am better than them at their own demented practices.

The fake whistle blowers and outlandish conspiracy crap is intended to obfuscate easily identifiable information such as there really is a deep state, all Jim Carrey Illuminati jokes to the side. The clowns who are associating Five Eyes' cointelpro with aliens are impossible to miss. Hello Joe Rogan, Tom DeLonge and the Greer troll. A real patriot becomes the not so well-known person, such as Diane Roark.

                                        We're going to own the web.

This is not someone I would usually admire. She has been a total right winger and military intelligence for a great part of her life. But she does not believe the U.S. government should be spying on its own people. The lady Diane is further proof that the system cannot be changed from within. Snowden has vindicated her.

The big difference between myself and people like her and Edwardo is that I haven't been tied down with non-disclosure agreements. I participated in the belly of the beast of social media from 2006 to the Bernie was robbed period.

It's not really about me, but I do offer a Gonzo journo, first person style. I got into chemtrails. I figured those out. Recent word is that the ozone layer is healing. That is true. What isn't said is how harmful are UV-B rays and why that has been the main purpose of weather mitigation. It is verifiable conspiracy fact that there are plans to spray sulfur, aluminum and barium type particles high into the stratosphere to combat global warming.

I posted some at Huffington. I was a pitbull in defense of Cindy Sheehan. I reverse-trolled Greg Gutfeld. Many felt he might have been Arianna's pool boy due to his inexplicable gravitas, but I digress. That was during the Plamegate Era. I then segued into researching anti-election fraud schticks and the rest is blogging history.

I've witnessed firsthand the militarised alternate reality games that the Snowden documents have confirmed as conspiracy fact and termed as "Conspiracy Stories." My ace in the hole has always been Hal Turner. That is back and to the left, tough kind of info data to hide from Americanos.

There might be a nice New Yorker article to track down on the wingnut Roark lady. See how I use the internet? The double-bind can be reversed. We are not supposed to have access to the Snowden and Assange documents. We were never meant to see those. Trump is a numbnut, but if he can clean up pedophilia, free Assange and stay out of war, I will be happy that he held the fort instead of Hillary. It's getting closer to when Bernie better be coronated into his rightful spot as executive Big Cheese Kahuna for 2020. That is all. Buenas noches, mi amigos. That's the end. The el fin schtick.

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