Friday, January 19, 2018

Release the Memo?

                                     Cointelpro journalist Ed O'Keefe

If you want to know what media cointelpro looks like, watch the above clown's report for CBS Fake News. He is not a real journalist, period.

This is sort of reminiscent of the SWAT vote from years back in which party lines brought the issue to a dead end. The U.S. military is desperate to hide their treasonous activities. The FBI is part and parcel of the military. One can go backwards in time and see that the conspiracy is nothing new. Normal citizens can see that the Russians had nothing to do with the election. Most Americans are in agreement that the DNC is the party which attempted to rig it for Hillary. Trump won because Hillary Clinton and the neoliberals were exposed as criminal actors.

I am not a big fan of the GOP. I see the right versus left paradigm as part and parcel of historical conspiracy. Julian Assange is the greatest human being alive. Without Wikileaks, we would be further in the dark as to how the conspiracy operates. Conspiracy is just a word which is synonymous with the phrase status quo. The FBI, DOJ, Obama et al were partners in crime. Bush and Cheney sucked, as did Obama and Hillary. The MIC has broken the U.S. Constitution. The problem is there is no law above them. They are the ultimate power and shadow government. There is no way to bring them to justice. As is, there is no way to dissolve the CIA or end the FBI's Cointelpro program. This is why I have called for non-violent extra-parliamentary activities.

Snowden, Greenwald and the rest of the Freedom of Press turds have been playing up this situation. They've been cynical that there is a there, there. Snowden said the way it could be proven true is if Trump vetoed the FISA thing. Well, he just signed it. I found it interesting that Julian Assange did not mention it. He is fighting for his freedom. He's also mentioning a Hamilton 68 which is a new Kos Kop styled disinfo program run through Twitter. It is on the look out for so-called Russian propaganda. Our government and media are steaming hot garbage. That is the big news. Nothing ever changes. All scumbags, turds and garbage can go to hell.

The system cannot be changed from within. The mainstream media is part and parcel of the illegal U.S. government. The legitimation crisis persists.

I'll now attempt to take a look at other so-called news.

Criminal whore pervert Larry Nassar will soon be sentenced for his sex crimes against U.S. gymnasts. Unlike the military criminals, others are not so protected from true justice. I'm sorry he is down and out, but this is the bed that he made for himself. I imagine he will have a very tough time in detention unless he can get placed in one of the fancy country club prisons.

The "House of Horrors" parents who shackled and tortured their thirteen children could not be missed for a story. That stuff is so sickening and weird. Those children and young adults did not deserve any of that. I will pray for them and couldn't care less for the demented parents. I am against the death penalty because it's racist and it can become a mistake incapable of correction. These two below definitely deserve it. I feel conflicted. I no longer want to kill insects. This world has tired me out. It is so fake and 98% full of propaganda. Stories like this become a distraction. Yes, we should look into it, but when the fvck are the criminals running the government and military going to get put in prison? That seems a bit more important.

A demented 23-years-old scumbag named Michael Giordano trespassed the home of 63-years-old Jennifer Ayers. He raped and killed her. He then set her legs and vagina on fire and then spread satanic messages on the wall with her blood. He is clearly deranged, but what is society's blame for any of this? Why would such a young man rape a much older woman. Rape is bad, but what would lead him to do that? How can people be so violent? If I have trouble killing insects, then where are these people coming from? How were they socialised?

Let's see what else is out there.

Amazon is selling T-shirts glorifying slavery and Illuminati pyramids. I no longer think a boomerang is theory. It's a matter of when and how it takes place and if it will happen within our lifetimes or only once a total dystopia kicks in. Assange has been a pure boomerang, while Snowden and Greenwald remain as ineffectual, limited hangout scum.

Meanwhile, pedophile apologist Pope Francis is in Peru chastising victims and their supporters for "slandering" a priest. But everything is going to be okay. Whore slut Selena Gomez is making movies with Woody Allen and sharing her body for all to see and worship as if she is God's gift to the planet.

We won't think about Craig Murray saying he picked up the leaks in Washington, D.C. or that Seth Rich was assassinated with nothing stolen from him. We'll think about Selena Gomez.

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