Friday, January 26, 2018

Secret Society Gotcha Time

That's called not photo-shop and why H. Breath lost. Trump was the lesser of two demented evils. It had nothing to do with Russians. Surely it had a lot to do with Julian Assange. So what? Nothing is done about the DNC election fraud. It's as if Bernie Sanders is knowingly complying with unconstitutional elections. Maybe he is going all in for 2020. Maybe he looks at Carter at 92 still hippety hopping along and thinks he can win it all and save the planet. He is perhaps biting his lip as a long-term presidential art project.

I'm saddened to hear Julian is not in the best of health. Trump is a scumbag for not granting him his immediate freedom. I don't think there is much Anonymous or anything on the internet or there would be massive protests conducted for Julian's freedom.

That would be a huge development. That would be a non-violent extra-parliamentary activity. It is paramount that Julian Assange is granted his freedom. Millions should protest for that. Enough is enough. Let him go.

And there are your stupid arsed Republicans stirring the state-sponsored "conspiracy story" stew. I haven't checked the news today. I saw much earlier that the two FBI pigs had been joking around. Trey Gowdy is a jackass. This is why it is pointless to follow the medium. Both sides suck. There is nothing of value to the medium outside of probing, and even then, it sucks and is stupid.

That sort of disinfo was done to the Dan Rather scandal on GW's military resume. A document turned out to be unverifiable. So what? They covered the O.J. thing way too much. This is a broken record. There is enough proof to come to the verdict that everything is rigged and fake.

I need music or am going to go nuts.

The French have returned.


The Albert Pike stuff was a hoax.

Aleister Crowley was connected to freemasonry. Paid fake cvnts say differently.

The truth hurts. Entertainers are hedonists and selfish. Crowley had too big of an impact. He was not only a scumbag and garbage, but he was also a turd.

Hmmm, what else.

                                           Does H. like Poppy?

You might ask yerself, why the fvck am I not at a million page views by now?

There is no time without medium. It becomes pure now.

John. Quincy. Adams.

Captain. William. Morgan.

The music has saved me.

Never forget that Aleister Crowley was pure scum.

William Cooper was a paid disinfo agent. No way are those guys not doing what's in the Snowden documents.

He was the original Hal Turner.

They are doing "conspiracy stories." It's right fricken there in the above screenshot. That's my scoop. I am the poor man's John Quincy Adams.

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