Tuesday, January 9, 2018


A piece of shit Youtube account named "codenameANOOR" puts out videos on the "Illuminati" and mind control. I find it hard to believe a sincere person could mistake the greatness of Alan Watts with a "conspiracy personality" named Alan Watt, but there it is.

The video also has many spelling mistakes and is more infotainment than helpful. The message is shifted from yes, it's darn tooting obvious we are mind controlled by a deep state, to look at all the dumbarsed conspiratards.


I have never listened much to Alan Watt. He is one of those people you can't avoid, like Paul Romano and his pockets of the future mini-cult. I haven't the time to socratise every single arseclown who comes to my attention. I think the Whac-A-Mole theory is spot on. Attempt to bail out a sinking boat with a spoon.

Anyhoo, the video below is not too shabby. Alan Watt discussed paid fake truther types who always seem to eventually spin everything into ridiculous conclusions or otherwise soil conspiracy pants. Cointelpro actors might start out with realistic points of departure, but those are only means to a demented, confusing destination. One specific Snowden document outlines how this sort of mind control is continually in play. That is why I have uploaded it early and often.

This is only a few minutes. The discussion could have alluded towards Paul Romano's talk of robots, synths and clones, although here the name David Icke emerged as the glaring example. Alex Jones has also run his course. No one believes in anyone anymore as a defense mechanism.

                             Alan Watt on the Alien Disinformation Propaganda

That being said, Alan Watt is suspicious as fvck. All I can find on him for a resume is a "Wee Bit Bio" on his website.

Thanks for all that info! Fricken on this blog I have provided much more information on myself than this guy shares. I have always suspected his real name isn't Alan Watt and that it was developed to confuse him with Alan Watts. Alex Jones based his character on Bill Hicks' conspiracy guy. Then the outrageous idea that Alex is Bill is pushed. As it becomes more clear that everything is rigged and fake, all that the deep state has left for psychological operational tactics on its people is to heighten the noise to signal ratio. You can't handle the truth about fake truth?

Maybe he is a half-decent kook deep down. To repeat, I don't have the time to investigate every fvckface on the internet. Nonetheless, his resume is weak and many of the claims in it do not seem true.

Yes, paid cointelpro fakes take good topics and spin them into simulated outcomes. There are paid fakes who speak of other paid fakes simulating outcomes only to end up doing the exact sort of thingie, only they sound more reasonable and it becomes much more difficult to unearth wtf is their hidden agenda.

I found this on another website. There's no mention of his being "heavily involved in the music industry" or that he has "played with some of the most well-known artists and groups."

He's from Scotland which is odd because one of the first bloggers I read speaking of paid fake this and that was Ireland's Fintan Dunne. Fintan was masterful for taking the legitimate topic of deep state paid fakes off into his own version of the proverbial dead end.

As someone who is merely probing the medium, I profess to not know of any endgame. I am one soul breathing in the moment just like any other regular guy. Since I do not want to feel miserable and distrustful all the time, I always open my heart to others. I try my best to keep an open mind. Yet, if a knife as metaphor is stabbed into me back, heck yeah I will remove it and reverse the propaganda.

There is no internet community. This is Big Brother 101, period.

In one video, "Alan Watt" claims that all these disinfo tools know one another. To paraphrase, they run in packs. That's good to know! Thanks!!

Here is a lecture by Alan Watts. He was the true talent.

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