Monday, January 15, 2018

Smedley Butler: Psyop and Cointelpro Pioneer

Smedley claimed he was approached by J.P. Morgan people and others to partake in a coup against FDR. I became suspicious after running the name Smedley through me noggin a number of times and it just didn't sound right. Knowing what we know now (see Snowden, Edwardo), one can listen to the few available clips and picture him easily fitting in with recurrent guest spots on Alex Jones.

There was a definite pattern to historic conspiratards. From Manley Hall to clowns Myron Fagan, Art Bell, William Cooper, Lyndon LaRouche, that sort of drift, they all spoke with a DNA trait only usually found in disinfo agents.

Those are the only two clips I could find.

I think enough was said in the second to last entry to put forth the claim that Smedley Butler was one of the original paid fakes who influenced the medium. I should have looked into this sooner.

The two links below can provide info for anyone curious.

1) The General, the FBI, and the fascist plot to overthrow democracy (that nobody cared about)Smedley Darlington Butler’s file documents the Bureau’s disinterest in the “Business Plot”

2) Wikia page on Smedley Butler

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