Monday, February 19, 2018

Box of Rain

Jennifer Lawrence is a pig who has been a big fan of Harvey Turdstein. In my continuing series of jabs at famous women, here is another. A quick socratisation shows that she has apparently done work on her upper lip, her nose and her eyes.

Why is she so sad? It's because she ended up as a shallow, plastic bitch by age 27. Who the fvck would want fame and fortune at such a price?

Now that we have the stat padding picture/rant out of the way, we can move to today's actual real blog post. It started out with my favourite Grateful Dead tune, spiced in some synthetic, rancid sugar and now it's onto the real stuff.

Yikes, no way in hell am I uploading pictures of a 23-year-old named Briana DeJesus. She has one of those verified check marks. She seems to be some form of reality t.v. star. She got breast implants removed and then something called a boob uplift, liposuction and a tummy tuck. What the hell is wrong with everybody? I'd like to just write grown up works of amateur regular guy journalism and analysis, but I keep getting distracted by boobs.

There are now fake skiers. A woman from California with Hungarian grandparents "participated" for Hungary. This one makes no fricken sense unless there is a Freemasonry connection. Her name is Elizabeth Swaney. She works for Silicon Valley. She ran for Governor against Arnold Scwarzenheimer (sp?). She graduated Harvard. She's also fake competed in Winter sports on behalf of Venezuela.

                                   likes to spend money on buying fame

Some days I say I'm just feeding the blog and am running low on content. Usually I am lying and displaying false modesty. Most of the time my schtick is some of the best stuff available anywhere. Today is not that day. This entry is gonna suck and be stupid.

Ugh, there is no more content. I will have to wing the rest of this.

I wanted to investigate whether the Grateful Dead were Freemasons. It looks like too much work to figure out. They did have a song named Mason's Children.

Mel Gibson in a movie claimed the Grateful Dead were British intelligence agents.

I suppose this is all tied into the conspiracy story that the hippie movement was created by the CIA. The Esalen Institute is always the main point of departure with of course the so-called transformative power of LSD. I believe there is some merit to this, but that it is warped and manipulated to the point that it is easy to mock and dismiss. Think strawman.

It'd be akin to making great points about confirmed conspiracy, but then soiling the presentation by promoting David Icke or Alex Jones for more info.

Here's a video getting not much respect for thumb votes. The dude is lumping in together all these various dudes such as Alan Watts, Terrence McKenna, Huxley, Jerry Garcia, Timothy Leary and someone named Joseph Campbell.

You can't do that.

I've never heard of Joseph Campbell.

There's something called infiltration. If I do look further into Esalen, I'd try to pinpoint who exactly started it. I would try to not rely on the internet too much.

I vouch for Alan Watts. There's no way in hell he was a disinfo agent.

John Perry Barlow was associated with the Grateful Dead. It is true that he did some work with the CIA. That was definitely a deal breaker and why I couldn't have cared less that he recently passed away.

People shouldn't take acid.

Mushrooms are organic, but I won't even promote them. I'm not promoting marijuana. I'm not promoting anything. Okay, maybe sticking up for weed is good. It is. The invisible majority was always for the legalisation of it.

I've always known that the CIA sucks and is stupid. Barlow was not a good person.

Words are just words. It's why we are able to say what we want to as long as we don't break a law. No threats. No child porn. Those were the basic rules for posting at Debate Both Sides and Free Speech Zone/Pffugee. Those aren't bad rules. No doxxing was another good one. DBS had one stupid rule. Don't go after family members. Why not? If you are going to have a free speech, gutter sewer zone, then what's it matter if someone claims your grandmomma wears army boots? The rule against doxxing took care of that. If no one knew who someone was or their family, then how was attacking an anonymous, generic relative a rule breaker?

It seemed silly. You could call someone the worst possible junk imaginable, but oh no, don't say something like I bet your wife doesn't shave her armpits. Oooh, don't break the "no family" rule. Calling Joe Schmoe a cvnt was okay, though.

Omg, this clown is attacking Krishamurti.

That dude bailed out of the nonsense. He spread the message that all authority is bad. So basically this youtuber is taking from this and that to fail at proving inbuilt biases. Watts spoke at Esalen. Therefore, he was a spy? Krishnamurti was involved with the demented theosophy thingie. Sure thing, but let's smear him for eternity? That was his fricken backstory. Explain that. Go into that. Don't just smear great thinkers because at one time or another they were associating with the wrong crowd. Carrie Heffernan used to be a Scientologist. Malcolm X was in the Nation of Islam cult. I used to blog at BradBlog. Brad Friedman is a paid fake. Once I realised that, I got the fvck out of Dodge City.

The social theorists from the Frankfurt School were not disinfo agents and part of a massive global big mess conspiracy.

Conspiracy stories are produced by the Military-Industrial Complex and Five Eyes in order to divide and conquer and to confuse.

The internet and social reality is one big massive gaslighting campaign.

It's not my fault everything sucks and is stupid, rigged and fake. This is mere probing. The world is the Poseidon Adventure. The ship is upside down. I am pointing to the direction out of the big mess. It is through reading and reflection. Go to the library. Have paper and pen handy to take notes. I can teach anyone to think and/or write the right way. It takes a lot of hard work. I am very much enjoying the second half of my life. I have never felt more liberated. Ye can feel that way too. Be proactive. Find the real stuff.

                  "This is Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is the Message"

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