Thursday, February 15, 2018

I'm all yours; fvck me, Tony

That was a scene in Scarface. I thought the sister had said, "Do you want to fvck me, Tony, " but after finding the clip at Youtube, it went more like this blog entry's title.

America is caught between reality and sexual repression. A constant bombardment of sexual imagery is not liberating. It does the opposite of what it portrays. Hollywood and government are literally driving young people insane. The term that most closely crystallises this idea is cointelpro.

This is quite the demented world in which a so-called movement against sex abuse and harassment is led by scantily dressed and nude women. It is one which leads to dead kids in mass school shootings undertaken by repressed, demented antisocial young white men.

How can anyone think written words on naked bodies are symbolic of feminism?

We get it. Sex is biological with urges. Women should have the right to wear whatever they want to without jeopardising personal safety. However, it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. It doesn't signify that these women are anything special. I heard of a lady claiming that one doesn't have to be overweight to be body shamed. It was ridiculous. It came across as if it's okay to shame someone for being chubby or obese.

Here is some more insider info on paid fake Ian Kerner. He loved himself some "bitchy New York women." He claimed they get his motor running. Ian also liked to make prank calls through the Brandeis University phone system. He'd put on a weird fake French accent and ask students picking up the phone, "Do you like boats? I am the boatman." It was very weird. He also had this thing called the finger dance. He claimed there was a trick to dancing. One could stand still and merely turn an index finger into a dancer's schtick. If I remember anything more about him, I'll try to post it.

Kerner is a clown. That's the point. There are so many clowns in this world. Sex is thrown into our faces each day by the grotesque medium. Some young males can't handle the pressure and snap. This has been going on for quite a while. America is perhaps the most violent of all countries. Childhoods have been robbed on a massive scale.

The FBI says they were informed of the shooter's social media in which Nikolas Cruz claimed he would become a "professional school shooter." Yet, the FBI says they were unable to identify the person. It is very difficult to believe. Everyone should know about cointelpro at this point, that the FBI are law breaking thugs and liars. The kid used his real name. The government wants folks to believe that corruption is mostly incompetence.

Later on after my last entry, I did see that Julian Assange has fought back against the new smear from The Intercept. I won't go into details. It's not as if there is any reason to debate and play by old rules of academia, not when everything is rigged and fake. Herbert Marcuse spoke of the need to get rid of repressive tolerance. Not everyone and everything needs to be granted respect. The idea of authentic free men and free women can only come to fruition when the medium is stripped of all power. Shut it down, period. Go your own way.

A Russian athlete has mocked the poor by blowing his nose into a banknote. He said, "I could give this money to people in great need, but I have snot." That is schtick theft. It's not stealing from me, but from Lenny Bruce. Lenny had a bit in which he'd go on about a four letter dirty word beginning with S and ending with T. The word was snot. Now, whenever I have used the snot schtick, that is not technically plagiarism. It is in a grey area. Can someone steal from a previous incarnation? I suppose so. There's no way to prove one was the other fella.

Rodrigo Duterte is offering his police £350 for each rebel they kill. The other day he said to shoot the women in the vagina and now that the men are "easier to kill than birds." People in the Philippines need to put an end to Duterte's madness. There needs to be a boomerang in which demented powerful leaders are stopped whenever they ignore human rights law. There needs to be a hot stove, don't touch. Either Duterte and his sick ideas are destroyed or the Philippines is done as a society and culture. I have no money to offer as a bounty, but Duterte is a serious threat to world peace and positive social change. I've had just about enough of that clown.

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