Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Nasty Bitch Judge Located in England

                                        Judge Emma Arbuthnot

Above is the scumbag judge who decided against Julian Assange. Here are her own words:
I find arrest is a proportionate response even though Mr Assange has restricted his own freedom for a number of years.
Defendants on bail up and down the country, and requested persons facing extradition, come to court to face the consequences of their own choices.
He should have the courage to do the same.
It is certainly not against the public interest to proceed.
The impression I have, and this may well be dispelled if and when Mr Assange finally appears in court, is that he is a man who wants to impose his terms on the course of justice, whether the course of justice is in this jurisdiction or in Sweden.
He appears to consider himself above the normal rules of law and wants justice only if it goes in his favour.
As long as the court process is going his way, he is willing to be bailed conditionally but as soon as the Supreme Court rules against him, he no longer wants to participate on the court's terms but on his terms.
Emma Arbuthnot is trash. She claims Julian can get sunlight through the balcony. Nothing ever gets better because people like her are judges. She is a modern day Nazi freely walking around fascist England. This type o'shite makes me very mad. If there was a way to have her stripped of power and placed in a prison for twenty years, I'd do it. She is scum. The system in itself is the problem along with maggots like her protecting it.

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