Monday, March 12, 2018

Assange cannot tell the difference between paid fakes and useful idiots.

I call them paid fakes and useful idiots. I agree it is often difficult to tell them apart. Hal Turner worked because there was something called a pay stub in the form of an email.

One needs to hit a point of detachment until realising both the actions and outcomes of social media are manipulated. It is tough to take that final leap. There is no going back. It was Malcolm X exposing Elijah Muhammad. It was Mandela in prison unwilling to cave into the white supremacists.

The above was off the thread from this tweet:

I feel so sorry for him. He should emulate Mandela and stay firm. I don't believe the gossip, but he should make sure to take care of himself and stay human. Jigsaw puzzles and stamps wouldn't be such a bad idea. He should get the fvck off of Twitter. He is not me. Only I had the ability to speak my mind and control the bus. He has nothing but trash forming off of his comments. I think he should write more.

I hated getting tossed by Twitter. The format there is very easy. But I definitely liked the stuff he used to write when younger. He had his own blog. I'd like to see him go his own way and let it rip.

The medium will crush anyone's soul who takes it at face value. One can think by whining about the medium that they are on another path, yet it's still a double-bind. I do not miss Jimmy Dore. There is no social movement at all through the internet. Assange might make a greater impact if he writes more free style like meself. He's got to let go of the medium. If he builds something, people will go there.

He's working himself up for something out of his control. No way in hell should he quit the internet, but he has to find a way to think and live like it was done pre-internet. Like I said before, people are hungry for authenticity. He is overqualified for Twitter.

Someone there had the best username ever after Tokyo Shemp. It was dontreadthecomments or something. I stopped doing that. I've quit it all! It can be done. I think he will eventually be released, but this is a very weird time in history. Maybe Trump wants to wait until after the election to pardon him. Trump is the biggest idiot of them all and completely glued to the medium.

It looks like he cheated on Melania and now she is struggling to play the loser wife role like Hillary did after Bill cheated on her in front of a whole country.

                       I still think this "ex-CIA" dude is H.A.'s dad, but I digress.

I guess when people are that powerful and narcissistic, it takes a Harvey Weinstein as a husband to say enough is enough. Melania is probably wanting no part in a sordid media scandal. It looks like Trump cheated on her with the porn star. Are there updates on Chachi or is that one done?

I am so done with the medium. I only now notice junk from a glance.

The t.v. and internet do brainwash people.

It sucks that Julian is holed up in the embassy. It is the height of injustice. There is a lot of support for him by Americans. He is correct JTRIG is all over the internet posting confusing and annoying crap. That seems to be what he implied.

I tried to talk with Alan Watts in another entry. I've a few questions for George Orwell. Steve Allen had a t.v. show where actors played famous people from the deep past and he interviewed them. Maybe I have committed schtick theft.

  This was Bernie in another time and place looking up at the Wikileaks banner.

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