Monday, March 19, 2018

I'm at a loss for words

                                     personification of trash

One can either rise and shine to fake society or not give a fvck. Those are the only two choices. There is no in-between spectrum. You are either with humanity or the scumbags, turds and garbage circumscribed within the medium.

I briefly looked around and saw no explanation for what happened to Adrian Lamo.

Fake anonymous wants people to back off of him.

Does that sound familiar?

                                      "simulate the outcome"

Jim Carrey is also in the fake news. His schtick is remarkably similar to Lamo's with an excessive political slant. No one can just be themselves. We are brainwashed to think one is either with the medium or might as well not exist.

I am pretty sure Lamo either committed suicide, had an overdose or otherwise triggered a personal catastrophe. There is an indiscernible fine line between those three theories. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was the demise truly an accident or did the person have a death wish? Suicide is the taking of one's life. It is something that I've never understood. It goes against everything nature represents.

Plants can be in the worst shape imaginable, yet with renewed care, they can spring back to life as if nothing happened. Animals are rescued from oppressive shelters and pet stores, yet then make 180 degree turns towards health and happiness. Lamo has been part and parcel of cointelpro since hacking the New York Times in 2002. He lived an evil life which brought on instant karma. That's how life works. And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make?

Selena Gomez is so ugly in real life.

This blog entry should have been titled, "I'm at a loss for content."

I hate rich famous people and sewer rats? Is that the endgame?

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