Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Paid fake garbage

Well, the stats have hit rock bottom. They've gone from one or two thousand page views per day down to 100-200. This started a few days ago. Just like that. There were tons of website visits, then all of a sudden it's become next to nothing.

That's good. If there's no audience, then a person can relax and move on. They can write for themselves or let it go.

I found another obvious disinfo agent at reddit conspiracy. It is as easy to do as breathe. They dominate the website.

It's called mimicry. It's called simulating actions and outcomes. It's about keeping you pinned within the system.


The disinfo fvck face keeps inserting "It's" awkwardly into sentences or capitalises the word it. This is called persona management. The disinfo agent probably has about 50 sock puppets all mapped out as in how to present each one. This one inexplicably keeps misspelling the word it's.

I could probably keep looking and find more examples. Here is a third one:

I used to have the username socrates. This person mentions him.

So on the one hand, the person name drops big names such as Socrates and also Kierkegaard. On the other, he or she never explains anything about them. There is never any context. For someone throwing out a lot of big ideas and names, the grammar is way off.

I brought up Erich Fromm for specific reasons and explained what he provided. Everything I write can be easily verified as truthful. I don't explain everything because Confucious said only show the student three sides of the box or something similar. Don't give away the whole shop. Teachers are also students. This never ends. One is always learning.

I don't remember Socrates mentioning himself possessed by anything. Search results have him utilising the word possess in the non-kook way as in reference to possessions.

The closest thing I can find is this but I refuse to click on it. I don't care that much.

It's a dead end to chase after anonymous coward scum.

Social media is a racket. You'd have to be a total chump to believe in any of it. It's called cointelpro and a police state.

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