Monday, March 26, 2018

Paid fakes are dependent on your useful idiocy involvement

                                             I swallowed a bug.

The medium is the dinosaur bug or parasite we absorbed through development. Awareness of this predicament unfortunately never takes hold in a moment such as some have claimed humanity's capacity for instant zen enlightenment. It takes a lot of time. The system formulated eighteen a long time ago as the age of adulthood. From five to finishing high school is where the dirty work takes place. Students are tracked by the third grade. We as individuals are pretty much locked into place by age eight.

There will be moments of rebellion, yet the system is built for such occurrences. It's a system that depends on duality which somehow forms the bedrock of computers in terms of 0's and 1's. If this happens, then there is that or vice versa.

Picture a self-adhesive stamp stuck on envelope paper. It does not g.a.f. about water. It is not going anywhere. That is the status quo. You can do this or that, but nothing fundamentally ever changes. Or think of snot on a finger. Try flicking it off. It ain't going nowhere to nobody. One must wipe it off then clean the surface or go grunge style. But never lick or swallow it.

Nicolae Ceausescu was the personification of snot, so he was executed.

Rodrigo Duterte thinks drug dealers and rebels are garbage and has told his police to get rid of them, dead or alive. There is no need for trials. It's weird. He is the one who should be exterminated. But some of us don't even kill insects. This is all foreign behaviour to good regular guys. Costanza asked, "Where is the humanity?"

Many of us have been antiwar our entire lives. We knew it was garbage. Our heroes were the peaceniks. I did sort of personally fall a little bit for the Yugoslavian thingie under Clinton. I started to think of the possibility of war for good- not to be confused with one of my scoops pertaining to an apple for good or something. There was a phrase called ethnic cleansing. I liked Wikileaks' coining of collateral murder. The world is a far better place without Adrian Lamo. The true path is to live outside of the system perhaps a bit lonely and confused at times rather than to partake in demented social media.

We all had our gripes with the news, t.v., movies, magazines, etc.. But we were unaware of how controlled society actually was. We hence remained susceptible to good cop, bad cop. In fact, that was the only option available other than isolation and depression. There must always be hope and a way out. Humans are built to consume relief. Sleep handles that for the most part. But it's obviously not enough. The status quo rolls on whether we rise and shine or snot.

The medium is nothing more than a bad habit. It gives the illusion of spontaneous debate when it is merely scripted dialogue amongst government agents and civilians unaware of the big picture. They try reverse psychology. They say that the bad guys want us to quit and that they're gonna keep on fighting. They are the same people. Them. They.

Whenever a stamp is difficult to identify, they are placed into a set aside batch for some future attempt at pinpointing. The medium is at a point in which it cannot be completely identified yet has broken enough rules to still be tossed into the trash. There should be no second chances for scumbags, turds and garbage. I used to go on and on about Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football. Think of the girl who stays with the abuser. We've all known them. They are impossible to reach. Looking into the mirror as proselytized by Michael Jackson meant what it said. Change starts from within.

There is not much discernible difference between lurker and forum member. Both are reading the same crap. Both are absorbing the ideas and bad karma of state-sponsored convolution. The more people quit both reading and posting on trash websites which includes all of them except for DFQ2, the more that disinfo fat fvck faces will be left to rot on their own like an Adrian Lamo. Why habituate in societal demise?


Tom Arnold, to paraphrase, says that Roseanne is a demented wench. Thanks, Mr. Captain Obvious. And why should anyone watch her show or care?

A 27-years-old teacher has fallen in love with someone 13. That's demented. She's obviously insane.

Dum da duh. She is kind of cute. Just kidding. Well, she is, but what I said wasn't appropriate.

Heineken is being accused of making a racist ad. I'm flipping through a few stories mostly just reading the titles and not really caring. There was something on the North Korean fat fvck who is mad at someone or a group which has been circulating anti-fat fvcker despot pamphlets.

I must find a way to cut back on digressions.

Oh yeah, that Heineken ad is way out there racist. How can people be so stupid? Beers get passed by Black people to a white tomato. The ad says sometimes lighter is better. Did a CIA guy produce that?

I'm always curious in the nitty-gritty of truth. However, no answers ever arrive from the medium. No investigation. It's always the content ain't worth nothing to nobody schtick. Heineken says oopsies, something about missing the mark. I wrote on the white dude shooting guard who called Chinese people chl|\|ks. He was mad at the zeitgeist for claiming he was racist instead of his just having made a self-described innocent mistake.

The hat tip for the Heineken thingie apparently goes to a rapper named Chance.

This is bare-boned minimalist social theory brought to you commercial free.

Geraldo Rivera apparently hates Megyn Kelly's guts. Welcome to my world, buddy, although she is kind of cute in an exotic way. Those are two of the better entertainers to have entered the news world. Bill O'Reilly was also fun back in the day. Okay not really, but those guys were somewhat presentable for wasting time watching. Lou Dobbs, man. Couric had those crazy ooh la la legs. Fricken Mary Ann over Ginger was an easy call. Nonetheless, those t.v. days are way, way back in the rear-view mirror.

A French waiter has sued a Vancouver restaurant for firing him for inappropriate behaviour. He claims this is discrimination against his culture. That's my scoop or I predicted this sort of story. I said the French suck and are stupid. I meant that they are rude buggers and not very nice despite having a city with that name.

I'm done.

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