Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The mythology of rise and shine (part two)

                            Only Pepperidge Farm truly remembers.

Young people were overheard in conversation.

- Wtf is a Pepperoni Farm?
- That's Pepperidge. You're being silly.

I wanted to put a screenshot of Hitler up there. But there was Abe. Is there something poking into his eye? Wtf is that? But I digress.

Once one realises that rise and shine is directly linked to the ultimate conspiracy, one is able to then say fvck you and fvck this to it and move on towards experiencing authentic freedom.

I need a tune. Fvck Pepperidge Farm. Let's go to Crackerbox Palace instead.

                                   "We've been expecting you."

I'm listening to tunes instead of checking out the medium. I just woke up. I never go to it anymore out of habit. I sincerely don't give a fvck. That is my advice to anyone out there who is still getting their chains yanked by the military-industrial complex' conspiracy story program.

Tool is an antidote.

Waking up has nothing to do with Folger's. They are the worst coffee brand ever put together. They probably serve that junk in prisons to go with bland food. The word brand used to mean something. Now everyone according to the conspiracy must create a personal brand. They want you to become part and parcel of the system. They want your mind and soul. They are the Jews. Just kidding, ha ha.

It's why the military is always given props at NBA games and during the ads. They don't want folks to know that not only is G.I. Joe a baby killer, he is fvcking with people's heads on a massive scale. Military contractors should be identified and exposed. They should be locked up forever. They are the proverbial meanies. They are Hitlers.

How'd Abe Lincoln come into it? Apparently according to Salon, right wing losers are comparing Lincoln to Hitler. I say apparently because all I wanted was a picture of Adolph, yet the image results brought me to the scumbag medium outlet named Salon.

You are either with humanity or the baby killers.

Okay, that was from about a year ago. Some politician compared Hitler to Lincoln. Oooh, there's nothing like cold hot takes in the morning.

Abe Lincoln wasn't that great a guy. When it is claimed that everything is rigged and fake, that means every bit all the way down to Maxwell's last drop. And that brand is just as bad as Folger's.

Oh God, I love Tool.

They want you to keep visiting websites which simulate actions and outcomes.

That means every day. They want you to wake up, turn on the computer, then go with your regular routine. They don't care what you like as long as you pick a controlled niche in the machine. They don't want you to feel free or to write from the heart based on knowledge and reflection. That is why they mimic and flatter. They are non-death necrophiliacs. They should kill themselves.

Seriously, I mean that and am not merely stealing from Bill Hicks. If you are in the military, go to fvcking hell. You have baby blood all over your hands, youse scumbags. You are why everything sucks and is stupid.

I noticed two things last night at Reddit Conspiracy before nodding off to sleep. There is a new moderating team, fellas. They are struggling to maintain a state-sponsored rise and shine vibe. There are too many people who think like I do. They know fake when they see it. One of the new mods is into the hollow earth theory. Isn't that wicked awesome?

I noticed one other thing before saying fvck this and fvck them. I decided right then that I had new material in which to mail in a blog entry. But I was too tired to write it. That was then and this is Tao.

I know all about state-sponsored conspiracy websites. Before there was ever a Snowden, I had uncovered a deep state schtick contaminating the internet via the idea of conspiracy. I figured out that a website named Chemtrail Central was military sponsored. I emailed a Patrick Minnis from NASA and got the loser to admit he had made tons of posts there with a pseudonym. The website owner was part and parcel of the simulation. The top posters were also disingenuous.

That was back in 2006-07, pretty much when I first got tangled up by social media.

This is basically not my first rodeo with internet convolution. I am a seasoned veteran in the struggle for good regular guys over paid fakes and useful idiots.

I forgot to close out the Salon article tab. This is on their right margin:

                           Is that a Masonic 666 holding the keys, Flo?

I no longer drive a car, watch t.v., nor am svengalied anymore by the ebbs and flows of this garbage pit. I have never been happier.

I published this yesterday in the early a.m.:
 Someone at Reddit Conspiracy posted the following twenty hours ago which means in the late afternoon:

That's so funny and must be a coincidence. I had written in my entry:
It sucks that Julian is holed up in the embassy. It is the height of injustice. There is a lot of support for him by Americans. He is correct JTRIG is all over the internet posting confusing and annoying crap. That seems to be what he implied.
The irony is that all sorts of people read this blog. I do not cater to conspiratorial fakes. A lot of stuff here has nothing to do with it or it is put together in such an original way that the two worlds never collide. It is called probing. That is where mimicry and flattery come into play. This is about circumscribing. Anyone who is free and authentic is mimicked. It happens so often as to no way can it be a coincidence. It is by chance that I pick up on it. It must go on a lot more than what I am able to notice.

A lot of people know me. I influenced a big chunk of folks within "real life." I was the kind of substitute teacher who became a bridge between students and faculty. I was from neither subgroup. I am smarter and wiser today, but back then I had a fastball for truth and young people are more adept at grokking authenticity. It's why we are beaten down for the first eighteen years of life as a minor. It is state-sponsored rising and shining, period.

The new loser copying my ideas didn't give the link to Julian. That's not so bad in itself, but when you click on the image, you can't even see what Julian quoted. It was all chopped up. That's not very helpful.

Cointelpro is comprised of morons. Just say no to the internet's version of rise and shine. God bless the audience.

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