Thursday, April 26, 2018

Cointelpro tells you that they are anti-cointelpro.

This one above has been going on for a very long time. The interviewer and the Barbara Hartwell lady are cointelpro actors. Hartwell was hailed as some goofy alternative to Ted Gunderson.

I had never heard of Ramola D.. She can obviously be tossed into the disinfo batch along with anyone associated with her fake internet show. I don't even have to research these frauds. Geral Sosbee? Come on. It's all obviously fake and mirrors what the Snowden documents revealed. The Five Eyes calls them conspiracy stories. I live in reality.

Part of the demented paid fake schtick is to speak for the anti-cointelpro side. Then they spoil it. Military intelligence is treasonous dogshit.

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