Monday, April 30, 2018

Paid fake disinfo fvckers are not difficult to identify.

Bhavani Thuraisingham is located in Dallas, Texas. She was in a direct working relationship with the traitors spun as the creators of Google. That's according to this article titled, "How the CIA made Google."

One could spend all awake hours on this sort of thing. This is such and such from here and there. This is a real life disinfo turd, etc..

Jeremy Duns is another one.

I searched for Snowden within the article and he's simply not there. The above is propaganda and a diversion. All medium is dominated by military intelligence middle management. Snowden has indeed made their work much more difficult as claimed by the Nazis. He made Five Eyes/JTRIG famous, imho. Not including Eduardo in any article on the Five Eyes is called card stacking.

Trump is a diversion. At most he will be President for about six or seven more years. What is at stake is the status quo. The scum use phrases such as convex hull. They want each of us to remain within it. To accomplish this, they need the vast majority to believe in rise and shine to the medium. They need people to link to say CNN, Daily Beast, Breitbart, Reddit Conspiracy, articles on Corey Feldman or wtf name the fake fvcking who gives a shite no one believes any of this trash called journalism.

Duns is a fiction writer portrayed as a journalist. He is located in England.

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