Sunday, April 22, 2018

You lie, cheat and steal

Allison Mack blocked me on Twitter, as did Kevin Spacey. It felt great to tell each of them they were dog shit. Is it dogshit or two words? I guess it doesn't matter. I'll file that under digression.

There's no better feeling to me than to let someone know that they suck and are stupid. Tapper blocked me. I think Hannity blocked, then unblocked. It was mysterious.

Tons of visits were made on this blog a couple months ago. The ptb's are interested in everything, including random nobodies. They are concerned about the convex hull or whatnot. I learned that in a previous entry. They manufacture the social media leadership, then all participants are monitored and made sure to remain within the hull!

I got some fake stamps in the mail. They are called cancelled-to-order or c.t.o..

They were mostly real stamps but were leftovers or deliberately produced to sell cheap to dealers to then rip off collectors. They are easy to tell. They still have the gum and some mickey mouse corner cancellation. Avoid them at all costs. There are some valuable ones, yet they are very rare.

I saw one seller on stampworld describe himself as having no interest in variants and that's that. Talk about a scumbag. There can be sunken costs. Gratefully not much was spent on the fake collector crap and I can move on. I have some good stamps. So I went to see what one of them is priced at. One guy was selling it for $1,200. But I know for a fact he didn't have the right stamp. Disgusting morons are basically attempting fraud felonies. And another thing. I am assuming that nearly every stamp is worth about 50% of catalogue values. That transcends condition. I am talking mere percentage in theory. If the stamp has flaws, one will need to lower the value much further. Stamps became a bubble run by con artists.

I've admitted to not knowing the endgame part of this as in personally selling a collection. Most of what I see from checking out forums and commentary is that they suck and are stupid. It's blowhards talking down to people. Here is what I see as solutions. All postal services and stamp dealers are to be seen as the enemy. They are leeches. They want something for doing nothing. They have ripped off countless people over decades to accumulate massive inventories.

Any big name stamp institution is garbage. I won't name them because they are all complicit. Carlin cliches keep popping into me noggin. Something about a tent or (I need new words for wtf, whatnot and something), and you're not in it.

This I believe: A damaged $100 stamp is probably worth about $5.

That $1200 stamp sells for about $500-$700 by reputable dealers, not the full catologue price some loser is asking and it's not even the stamp.

That one I imagine is worth a few hundred to myself. It can't be worth nothing. That's what scumbag stamp dealers want folks to think. They have a blah, blah blah for everything. Your stamps suck. You suck. I'll give you $10. Them, not me.

Yeah, stamps are not some make it rich scheme after all.

I think that's where the fun is. 99.99% of all silver dimes have probably been found. Coins are gross anyway. Stamps provide some culture and history. They condemn all countries as scum. There isn't one government on the planet which is truly legitimate. That everything is rigged and fake means precisely what the words dictate.

The fun is in the hunt. I think I'll probably focus on finding stamps still on the envelopes. That way one doesn't have to worry about any fake stamp shenanigans. Be careful too where you get your stamps. If it's a legit dealer, then fine, but if the geography is dangerous to stamps, be very wary. Hot, humid weather destroys stamps, period. Beware of scum selling crap. I've had a few deals that were proverbial weak tomato soup. The people selling the crap will have miserable ends due to their lack of character. It's back to physics or karma. Dignity and integrity is everything.

Capitalism is garbage. That couldn't be more obvious.

Thankfully some people are good. There aren't many, but it's not like there is no one decent. I've gotten many more better deals than the ripoffs. Knock on wood.

It's just life. You win some. You lose some.

Stamp collecting is still a million times better than following social media or watching fake entertainment. I haven't seen ads in years the way they were everywhere in life. The remote button was a good invention. Cable t.v. seemed novel. They actually used to play real videos with music. There was no reality crap. Those came from the afternoon gutter talk shows.

It seemed the channels were in cahoots because no matter which channel one turned to as to avoid watching ads, the alternatives would also be airing capitalist pig swine instead of regular cruddy t.v.. It felt that way, anyway.

It's 1:15 a.m.. I am a night owl. I am in-between having stamps. So I've retreated to the blog. It's like you have to shut off the medium in order to deprogram oneself. That was the point. And it can be done. I am watching nothing. I did see the Celtics win a couple games then got routed. There is another one in maybe just twelve hours. So I will have to go to bed soon. But that's it. I'll be watching a screen for a rare couple hours. I don't miss old movies. I don't miss anything, not even Alan Watts.

I miss stamps. It's the hunt. It's the satisfaction of taking the stamp off the envelope and preserving it. And the thingies apparently have some value.

I guess some Tool would hit the spot about now.

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