Sunday, May 6, 2018

Corey Mixter is a demented gaslighter.

                Turdley Sincvnt (sp?) retweeted an Alan Watts' quote
                but has otherwise apparently gone into hiding.

The narcissists known as Titanic and Poppy have apparently retreated. Sheets has given them the anchor punch. They are done and finished, imho. Not everyone is fake. Brittany said something I'm too lazy to fetch. If I could paraphrase and not simply copy, she's saying art is good stuff and the opposite of everything which is rigged, fake, stupid and sucks.

He had a flurry of tweets maybe a week ago. He was drunk or something. Probably something plus drink. I don't think he fvcks around and chases extreme diversions to avoid confronting the superficiality which is himself.

I am clearly biased and whatnot. I hate the guy's guts and don't believe him. The eyes don't lie. Dude came up with an outrageous revenge plot. It was too obvious. There's too much proof that Sheets collaborated with the turd rather than he created her.

He probably never expected to become so famous with the Poppy copy thingie. That energy brought him down. If he was just some mickey mouse Youtuber making 12 grand per year from ads or wtf, no way in hell does Sheets get any coverage from the Daily Mail and a number of other places.

The state-sponsored mainstream media simply has other things to run. We are supposed to fear Russia and love the demented military-industrial complex. The Hillary thing must have run its course. Trump is now buddies with the North Korean dude? I have quit the medium. I don't give a fvck. I do about this other story because it touches on the human element. We are talking fricken Gaslight starring Boyer and Bergman but in real life and with the buzz of instant info.

Mixter is so far removed from an Alan Watts that it is pointless for him to go there.

I truly believe he is done, done, not just done. He crossed a weird line. The story will forever now be about his demented scam.

Buddhists are not stalkers and narcissists. It'd be like Hillary complaining about rigged elections. I worked in a small family run Italian-American restaurant. I can picture my boss lady saying, "What is wrong with this picture?" But that's a digression.

I guess you had to be there. But none of us had to be there to understand that Mars Argo got ripped off and psychologically tormented.

It happened to me with the Speedway Bomber and a cointelpro scumbag named Rauhauser. I also got abused by Brandon Darby and Lee "Check out me new teeth, laddies" Stranahan. I was plagiarised by Mandy Nagy and Breitbart. My destiny was stolen. I was cybersmeared and abused by some vicious creep named Ron Brynaert.

I went into hiding just like Brit. I am not just talking out of me arse. It's easier to eat food, sleep, get depressed, etc. than to confront one's demons.

But it sure does feel wicked awesome to hit a point in which one finally says enough is enough, fvck you and fvck this. One fights back and is vindicated. One becomes what Alan Watts wrote. Mixter might be 10,000 soul years away from enlightenment if forced to come up with a number.

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