Wednesday, May 2, 2018

It looks like a lot of successful zeitgeist players are going down the youtubes.

                                  ugly, evil, no talent plagiarist gaslighter

I love meself some schadenfreude. There's nothing left in the medium other than that to look forward to. Who doesn't like seeing bad people fall down and become irrelevant?

This Corey Mixter bloke has to be one of the biggest frauds I've ever come across on the internet. I am so proud of the Brittany Sheets lady. Without her stepping forward, the Poppy thingie could have gone on indefinitely. It never made sense until "Mars Argo" made it clear through filing a lawsuit. It had certainly become clear that Mixter and Moriah Pereira aren't talented by watching uploads of so-called concerts. Yet, untalented hacks inexplicably making it big is nothing new.

Pick just about any performer and that's a verified claim. Selena Gomez can neither act nor sing. That's just one example. So there is something going on in which talent and skill doesn't matter. Corey Mixter took it a step further. He was trying to bury Sheets as a viable artist.

Mixter and Pereira as fake stars is no new revelation.

What's new is how they stole Sheets' identity and attempted to gaslight her. For their fraud to continue, Mixter had to be seen as some Stan Laurel styled genius. Hardy went along for the ride or something. Paul Simon made Garfunkel look good. Ringo Starr was so lucky and couldn't even play drums. Etc. and et al.

The Young Turks look cooked. They have one video with over a half million views. It's on Alex Jones. Without Jones as strawman fodder, they don't seem to get so many channel clicks anymore. Deal breakers are real. Internet addiction is real. Rise and shine is a myth. Every moment is all that there is. If one must sleep in order to wake up and go along with the bullshit medium day in, day out, that person is addicted and controlled.

Wac-a-mole is pointless. I believe that the way to defeat rise and shine status quo mythology is to boycott all scumbags, turds and garbage. Timothy Leary said turn on, tune in and drop out. That doesn't mean I agree with heavy drug use. But such a philosophy must be applied to social media. Turn on to the idea that everything is rigged and fake. Tune in to the sheer truth that no participation will ever change the basic situation as is. The meaning of dropping out should be self-evident. Stop caring. Stop respecting the scum which dominates social reality. Destroy their profits. Spread the word that bad people need to fail.

I'm not the nicest person, but I am sincere and sort of smart. Corey Mixter's downfall is greatness to witness. One is under no obligation to support anyone. Everyone has the right to desire his or any other tool's demise. We are talking about a story which parallels Gaslight starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman.

Pereira knew exactly what was going on. Thus, she too is condemned as the personification of garbage.

              evil fvcker taken down by a brave lady and a little schadenfreude

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