Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Pereira and Mixter were propped up by media fakes

The phrase media fakes might be overkill. Most people working in the medium are the personification of a hoax by definition. It's like calling someone a fat pig. One could call someone a pig or fat. They mean the same thing.

Wac-a-mole is very easy to do but never seems to matter. This is due to English speaking militaries dominating and perverting the release of information. There is a paid fake at The Guardian named Elle Hunt who plugged the Poppy shite back in December.

There are two references to Mars Argo but none to Brittany Sheets, not even to the fact there was a Mars who many believe was the true talent behind the Grocery Bag computer t.v. schtick. Mars Argo was merely referred to as Mixter's old band. The spin was that Poppy was an original creation and not an extension, copying or reformatting of said original. There are no comments either by the peanut gallery giving any indication of the past which implies rigged moderating.

One could have easily found tons of stuff that had given away the siopa. I did.

The fake writer has made two tweets concerning Ms. Sheets' lawsuit.

Oooooh, that's so intrepid. Let's fake expose stuff after the fact. Let's drop a few tweets that are supposed to offset the hack job put into The Guardian. She doesn't even have 10,000 followers. The Guardian is the fricken New York Times of England. What is wrong with this picture?

Does Ms. Bachelor's Degree work for the Five Eyes?

Fvck this, fvck you and fvck off is the only option left.

Donald Trump is scum. He couldn't care less about Palestinians or Julian Assange.

Mueller has been tied to Whitey Bulger. That's so surprising.


Amerika is the greatest. Quit your complaining. Go eat a candy bar.

Everything is a coincidence. There is no need to think. Keep your head down and stfu. Read some Daily Mail or Daily Beast. Embrace the fake freedom, ya numbnuts.

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