Sunday, May 27, 2018

Repzilla is extremely suspicious.

Hal Turner was exposed as internet cointelpro years before Snowden confirmed the demented U.S. Military is all over the medium. He couldn't have been the only one, but he was one of the few in which there was an actual pay stub. Anonymous had tapped into his email and discovered that Hal was in a working relationship with the FBI.

The Repzilla dude bleeped on my paid fake radar system as soon as I got into the Poppy story. Well, I have been trying to figure out who this clown is in real life. I only see an alleged name from an unverified source which seems to bear no troll busting juice anyway. Maybe that's his name. It might not be. So "Shane Andrew" is basically an anon coward any which way one looks at his cringe-worthy schtick.

Anyhoo, I done gone socratised a tad more and he has produced some very demented, suspicious videos having nothing to do with the poopster. I plugged "Repzilla sucks" into the Youtube search engine.

It is a bizarre exchange. The guest makes some very unbelievable claims and Repzilla doesn't bat an eyelash. That's not the only wackadoo example popping up.

I'm not watching those. In the ooooh that's scary stuff top one, the alleged Anon speaks of recovered aliens. Think Joe Flaherty and John Candy working the creepy horror movie schtick. Then Mr. Anon Guest speaks of the ptb's controlling the weather. Repzilla responds, "So they are making the hurricanes." It is all very ridiculous.

Oopsies. Crazy Eyes has nothing to do with this blog entry.

I thought the above turd was only working off of the Mars Argo-Poppy narrative or at least I never expected to find the most ridiculous conspiracy garbage imaginable in his schtick history.

The only possible conclusion is that Repzilla is a paid fake. He doesn't give a fvck about building a big audience. It is clear that he is targeting paranoid schizophrenics.

In another video he is wearing an army jacket which includes the pentagram star and possibly a crescent which J. Edgar Hoover used to wear as a Muslim Freemason.

                       there's also those freemasonry type pyramid symbols

I'm good at quickly identifying such fvckfaces since I've been at this since 2006. It wasn't just about Hal Turner. The Daily Kos was rigged. It emerged that Markos Moulitsas had verified ties to the CIA. Firedoglake and My Left Wing were not run very well as alternatives. There was never a real place to go if one was into social media.

I ended up at the Free Speech sewer zone. I was at Debate Both Sides. Those were the forums to say whatever you wanted to as long as it didn't break any actual laws. FSZ turned out to be fake. Then there was Pffugee Camp. Myself and donkeytale ended up collaborating, so to speak. Somewhere during all that I ended up on top of the zeitgeist. The rest was blogging history.

So I am not just some random nobody if anyone is new to this blog. I was a player pre-Assange and Snowden. One might say I had come up with predictive programming which is another fake term. It's more like reality eventually mirrored my regular guy unpaid cyber sleuthing and writing. I could see the pattern. Now I see other patterns, such as that the vast majority of those calling out shills and whatnot are just more paid fake arsewipes. Everything is rigged and fake means what it says.

Everything gets circumscribed. The rigging of the election for H. over Bern gets twisted into Russia and Assange colluded to steal it from H. Breath for Trump.

I.d.g.a.f. also means what it says. As does fvck this and fvck off.

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