Friday, June 1, 2018

No one can be trusted.

That's Craig Murray. I am scrambling to find anyone or anything to believe in since Julian got all his electronics taken away. I don't think he can even have guests. I'm not sure what is going on. It is scary. It seems Murray is buddies with Julian. So I finally go to his website. My jaw dropped seeing Juan Cole and Glenn Greenwald on his blogroll. There's nowhere to turn to. Cole is 100% fake left with direct ties to the CIA.

I feel defeated. The "Mars Argo community" at YouTube has turned out to be extremely creepy and fake. My head is spinning on all the weirdness which is Repzilla, Marsii, Irrelevant News and DaelyJoy. At least Anthony Weiner and Speedway Bomber were historic players. There was a there, there. It had to be interesting to a lot of people. I don't grok how anyone can watch these others or how that's a community. What is left to be said about Corey Mixter and Moriah Pereira? There wasn't much to begin with. They suck. They committed schtick theft. End of story.

I could tell Repzilla was bad news and started dropping some comments. Then Marsii went on a rant about the clown lifting his material without hat tips. Now it's some stupid drama bouncing off of four or five channels.

I feel done in regards to social media. I concede that. My writing has gone downhill. My lack of trust in the entirety of the medium has left me with no content in which to bounce off. We're well past headed into the wrong direction and this is what social media dystopia looks like. It doesn't matter if someone is sincere, honest and intellectual. There is nowhere for such a person to go to build an audience or partake in so-called communities. There is no way to discern what is fake from real. There is too much interference and outright noise. We are clearly doomed in regards to internet.

I may have one more trick up me sleeve. I could try making original videos at Youtube.

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