Saturday, August 11, 2018

Alex Jones inadvertently reveals what is happening

I finally hit at the ultimate truth recently and it was sort of a big catharsis for what I've always sensed and have not been afraid at trying to figure out as one proceeds. It's called probing in the Marshall McLuhan sense.

There is basically controlled opposition for controlled opposition. Yet as humans we do have the capacity to read between the lines. Paulo Freire wanted us to be active thinking subjects rather than passive manipulated objects. And of course many of us figured that out a long time ago and are not surprised by the Orwellian endgame playing out in real time.

What is needed is the reverse double bind. For too long masses of people have been bearing the brunt of societal decay in terms of electronics and disclosures. It's not our fault Snowden and Assange emptied all the toothpaste out of the Big Brother tube. Reality is factual after all is said and done. The ptb's are forcing a situation in which it will become clear to a vast majority that everything is rigged and fake. Let me quote Alex Jones. He didn't mean to spill the beans on cointelpro. Without bragging, I have the ability to interpret social reality. It's not rocket science. Anyone can do it.

Let me set it up. Jones is reading some article which claims Zuckerberg and Apple/Tim Cook did meet, so it was collusion? I can't track down every article to come up with a Shemp-O'Truth meter reading. I try to deal in the big picture. Apparently Zuckerberg was offended Jones had referred to him as an android something or whatnot. Alex said it was satire, not hate speech, that he himself looks like a sea captain.

Here's a quick digression. I do not like Alex Jones and 100% believe he is a cointelpro agent, a more talented and universal kook than Hal Turner, but deep down on the same disinfo team. But he shouldn't have been censored. People everywhere are getting purged. Cointelpro will spin it as same old, same old left versus right bickering. That overused quote is darn correct, first they came for blah, and then for blah, blah, and I said nothing, and then there was no blah blah blah to speak up for meself.

To get back on track, Alex Jones basically argues that Zuckerberg is worth such and such and is a public figure. He then segues to David Hogg and says it is not hate speech of his towards him, but that this is the big boy league of public figures. And I won't even quote him. That's what he said in the short segment I just watched.

He gave away the shop in that little segment.

The deep state's desire for a rebooting is dependent on all independent tiny voices being squashed. Jones is obviously surviving, but people like me are simply disappeared from any fair room to propel a solid schtick into the zeitgeist arena.

From the ptb perspective, "If we can't beat him or her, we'll deny them of free speech in the big boy social media leagues." Only Chris Cuomo has the right to look at Wikileaks documents according to CNN. That sort of thing. Or, "Ban the troll. It's not like he's David Hogg."

I sense this is a huge psyop.

The Spy Factory desires an internet which is merely a much bigger version of television. That means there are public figures and then everyone else is a viewer. The people in control, i.e. the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex with its omnipresent surveillance, domestic psyops and warmongering abroad, do not want the regular people to have any say unless such contributions support the underlying social reality of society as hoax.

Most people couldn't care less what channels with check marks are saying. CNN is going down the tubes for ratings? I've heard that from multiple sources. I used to follow their ratings a bit. Yes, we can speak with our page clicks. Yet, there is the rub. Look at a website such as Youtube. I was on there for a long time. I never saw any ads. There's something called ad blocker which is common knowledge. So where is the revenue coming if not from the old school advertisement racket?  Yep, precisely. I don't even have to say it. You know it.

C. Wright Mills spoke of an Iron Triangle. It consists of corporate, executive and military. Basically they are in cahoots was the argument. It was genius simplified, akin to McLuhan's motto the medium is the message. Malcolm X had some words too. Oh, I saw a good comment somewhere. Someone asked how come Farrakhan is allowed on Youtube if Jones isn't? And I agree with anyone who noticed Twitter fake taking the high road when they fricken purge free speech as much as anyone.

Mills also said that the conspiracy is in the institutions. That implies singling out anyone or a few for total blame doesn't work, say in scapegoating Hillary or to drain a fraction of the swamp, the institutions still remain. What did the Church Committee actually accomplish if we're fricken living out 1984? This isn't calling for an overthrow or anything silly or violent. This is pure academia. The MIC gets way too much money and for some reason, everything is rigged and fake eventuating in warmongering and massive corruption.

I had a quick solution for cops or at least for a good chunk of them. Test for steroids. Duh? Hello, McFly? If someone can't police without becoming a grotesque demented melon head, they don't have the right stuff to begin with. And there's no debating the cop situation. Too many of them continue to get away with police abuse and murder. The blue line thingie needs to be trashed. The law must apply to everyone. Do we want a better world or what? Cops getting away with crimes is a big chunk of unnecessary sorrow.

But we can't just single them out. It's the system. It's everything and the new wave of censorship feels like another nail in democracy's coffin.

Again, it's not our fault Snowden and Assange literally emptied the toothpaste. Tons of work had led to that point and they were Rollie Fingers and Eckersley as closers. Julian is in a tough situation and I'm sure everyone is praying for him except for paid fakes.

The DNC has been completely exposed as a criminal organisation. But the GOP is also trash. The mainstream media is nothing but fake news. I'm sure some or many of us used that phrase in the past. I usually went with paid fakes and useful idiots. I later added on the category of paid useful idiots. This huge mass of BernieBots and Libertarians do not like Trump or the GOP.

The MIC is all about balance, but it's fricken toothpaste. The reality is that an old school spy factory rebooting will no longer work.

It's probably for the best I was booted from Twitter and Youtube. I'm finally free from the addictive algorithms.

The funny thing is that my last interaction at Youtube was with someone claiming to be ex-NSA. I wasn't trying to be a brutish, boorish troll. It was free speech. The last interaction I had at Twitter, I think there was a small interaction, that was with Brandon Darby. These guys can't beat me on facts and philosophy, so they ban me. There are block buttons. If someone doesn't like someone else's free speech, there are blocks. One has their own channel with moderating powers. Well, not anymore for me. Outright censorship of free speech is demented.

The woman socratised in the video below has been plugging a guy calling Assange a psy-op. They actually think Julian Assange is a fake. Maybe that's why major league social media bans me. I was dropping some comments here and there. I watched some RT. I watched some older Julian from the past. I didn't know he had his own t.v. show. It is to his credit he was prolific and it's called toothpaste, sorry to repeat the word. Oh, I had also been reminding people of Craig Murray who claimed to have collected the leaks from a third party in Washington, D.C.. Maybe that's the extent of Julian's knowledge of the source, that the leaks came hand to hand in the capitol. I was saying stuff like there was protest within the convention despite the media hiding it. My content is good and bad but it should be protected free speech. They don't even tell you the alleged blogging crime made to get exiled.

I suppose I hit too close to the overall medium pattern. I cracked the code or wtf. And I'm not saying everyone is cointelpro. There's them but also the paid and unpaid useful idiots. I should have the right to my opinions based on facts. I should have the right to post schtick.

I was improving as an amateur filmmaker, but the so-called public figures as revealed by Jones get tired of us riff-raff getting too many page hits. They don't like the idea of reverse-cointelpro. They can't win this debate. Cointelpro is evil. Internet cointelpro has to be as bad. This is outrageous. I'm sorry to youse spy dudes that it was revealed how demented and treasonous the whole thing is and that you're having trouble adjusting. Oh poor Adrian Lamo? It's called karma.

I am at one with the cosmos. You should try it and stop destroying society and planet. Can you remember back to when you were young and innocent before turning into a sewer rat? It seems like a fair question. I bet Snowden sleeps well at night. Greenwald, not so much.

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