Saturday, August 25, 2018

I never fell for Q because I had vetted Steve Pieczenik

It looks like the Q-Anon psyop has finally been unraveled. I actually had it figured out a long time ago. It was too similar to the crap that was on InfoWars.

I went after both Pieczenik and Alex Jones on Twitter but never got any responses or the block.

I did get blocked by Kevin Spacey, Roseanne, Jake Tapper, Kurt Eichenwald and countless others, but that's beside the point.

The problem with schadenfreude is that it becomes circumscribed into the demented medium loops.

To play the game by the deep state's rules is to acquiesce to the double bind of fake cyber life.

It becomes a drug to get the scoop, to be aware, to give the hot take.

Roy Potter was in on it. There was another lady, but I forget her name. (I remember her further below.) I confronted what'shername but got no response. I am a Vincent Gambini at this point for sizing up paid fakes. Poopy Korn asked my opinion of Defango and George Webb. It took about an hour to figure out they were clowns. Same with Lift The Veil. Who is watching these shows? Just because the algorithms shove them into our faces doesn't mean we have to keep viewing.

Remember the Marines have raided the D.C. swamp schtick? This shite has been going on year after year. Only the actors and militarised alternate reality games change. Back in my blogging prime, it was Moulitsas, Larisa Alexandrovna, BradBlog, Roy Brynaert and many more. The key is to jump off of the paid fake Joe Schmoe merry-go-round in which we are the only real people in the show. With censorship, now we don't even exist. Real people are too good at vetting and speaking truth to paid fake.

There was Weinergate, SWATgate, Kimberlin-Gate. In ten years, ye whippersnappers will be seasoned adults pleading with the next batch of humans to look into the truth of the Q psyop and what these fvckers did to Julian Assange. It'll be Wac-a-Mole forever if we don't free that kid and cement anonymous whistleblowing as a protected right.

I wrote a blog entry on Smedley Butler and concluded he and Pieczenik were the same schmuck. Like I've said, if you can understand one pattern, they are usually easy to apply to other situations.

The deep state is not as smart as us. They try to be the controlled opposition but are incapable of adjusting. It's a reverse-cointelpro narrative at this point. They cannot help but troll themselves. Do you think they like Alex Jones exposed as state-sponsored? Do you think they like us all knowing about Anderson Cooper and Wikileaks documents? Contrary to paid fake losers who claim Snowden is a psyop, do you think the deep state would really have wanted all those documents circulated?

Things happen. Assange's motto is Wikileaks opens governments.

Do you think the deep state is happy that everyone knows The Intercept is part and parcel of the Five Eyes?

Snowden's mistake was going to Greenwald. Assange was the only one who could have handled the documents with integrity. Greenwald has released 1% of them. Whoop-de-doo.

But even with those 1%, the deep state showed how stupid they were for releasing them. They thought it was a good idea to release the cyber magician documents and circumscribe them into the internet gaslighting scam.

It didn't work. Despite all the money they have, despite how much they dominate bandwidth, they have still been forced to retreat to cringeworthy censorship.

They have to cheat in order to maintain total control of the zeitgeist. I will continue to pray for Julian Assange. He knows it isn't about him. He'd love other Wikileaks to form. The Military-Industrial Complex wants only people in their back pockets to ever see and publish leaks.

Myself from January 10th:
The Alex Jones/Steve Pieczenik psychological operation exists to make a mockery of fighting for freedom. Disinfo agents sprinkle in a bit of truth into scripted hallucinations. So they ham it up about internal power struggles within demented military institutions.
Okay, I blogged on "April LaJune" on January 5th and also pointed out Jones' involvement in the hoax.

I don't know why all this is emerging now. It was an obvious state-sponsored psyop from the start to anyone paying attention or who by chance had access to my schtick.

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