Sunday, September 9, 2018

Real True News, Not Deep State Influenced

They took a while to release the name of the pig who went into the wrong apartment and killed a Black guy. They also have yet to arrest her. If it had been anyone else, she'd already be in prison. So basically the police stalled giving up the name and are now taking their time locking up the animal.

The racist pig's name is Amber Guyger.

This is the dead man named Botham Jean. He was a devout Christian and only 26.

Lock her up and throw away the key.


Serena Williams went nuts on the court yelling at the line judge. I love that stuff. Jimmy Connors and McEnroe made tennis fun with their own cry baby antics. Otherwise, what's the point of watching glorified ping pong?


The Vatican knew. The cops knew. Obama knew. Chris Cuomo knew. Lots of people knew. Who doesn't know that the rich elites have destroyed the world and that the medium is 100% stinking psyop garbage?


I think Jim Carrey is a paid fake. I think he cut a deal or otherwise would be in prison. And that's why he won't shut up. Same with Barrett Brown. The question is who isn't a paid fake? I see no one who isn't.


The Kardashians make me want to puke. They are so gross.


Egypt has sentenced 75 people to death for participating in a sit-down protest. Every country is demented.


I had taken a nap. The medium is particularly annoying tonight. The harsh reality of there being nowhere to go is catching up to the idea of it.


I didn't know Tariq Nasheed was SWATted.


There's so much hate on the internet that it seems very arbitrary who gets banned and who doesn't.

There's some scumbag named Ice Poseidon who has apparently been SWATted a lot. He reminds me of Noom from the old forum days. I can't stomach too much of this guy. He mentioned he was from Florida and to me he also has a New York accent. It could be the Noom troll. He has a verified check mark. His content is very disgusting with a lot of punching down. He comes across as if he is cointelpro.

Another bloke runs some real true Mao News Network. I imagine that he might be the Lord David Byron troll. I kept on rolling with some modest success at Twitter. I was still in the fray so to speak as a Bern Bot. So why not them too in some capacity?

It's probably not them, but it is funny to think they might be. The internet has us by the nuts because it is free entertainment and there are a lot of options. I was always prime meat to fall for Youtube. I used to like watching the talk shows- Geraldo, Sally Jesse, Montel. That's pretty much what YT is. I do try to avoid all channels with check marks. Ice Poseidon should not have one. I don't understand it unless everything is fake and demented.

Even if we can prove Rogan for one example is cointelpro or Anderson Cooper, we are drowning in state-sponsored bread and circuses. Look at Alex Jones. He is the most famous of all "activists" barking about paid fakes and cointelpro. Yet, he is a tool and obvious disinfo. We're basically being hammered on the head that the internet sucks and we should try harder to quit it.

I think most people are aware of the truth despite it being astroturfed as the opposite. That there is a big alternative/conspiracy demographic proves most are getting there slowly but surely. The state attempts to make it seem there is more belief in the medium than there truly is. At some point, the numbers keep dwindling and falling. Rogan will get a big hit from the Musk interview, then his numbers will drop. All numbers will drop until it becomes obvious everything is rigged and fake unless it has already hit that tipping point.

The Elon Musk stuff is hitting home. The ptb's want us to remain trapped within the internet. Without our consent, their content signifies nothingness and is powerless. The deep state does not like to rule with such an iron fist. They would rather us to have remain sedated, unaware and electronically chained within the manufactured convex hull. Snowden and Assange have ruined their plans.

To me, it is a stalemate which obviously defaults to the status quo. They don't have many worries considering a guy like me for one example only gets so many views while Pewdie Pie and Joe Rogan get millions. It's not about me. I am just an example. It's about ideas. Max Weber said that ideas can change the world.

The bad guys know that 99% of all internet content is pro-state convolution in that none of it is relevant. They know we are powerless. Censorship is the rubbing of salt into our wounds. The only way to heal is to remove ourselves from the simulation.

I spent ten minutes on Elon Musk. I did not sit through the interview. I don't give a rat's arse. But I am a nobody. Authentic social movement is not allowed in a fake democracy. That's what this is about. Everyone knows it. This is why they keep reading my schtick and basically everyone's. They announced it that all social media was going to be monitored. They want to understand each of us in order to circumscribe the spectrum of human emotions into the overall script. There is a lot of AI involved. I'm not saying there isn't. But people like Musk and Rogan never point to the actual criminals running the machine. In fact, they work with them. That's what makes it easy to recognise they are cointelpro agents.

It's the proverbial simulation of no one is listening and no one cares which prevents any of us from making a difference through social media. This is the Orwell book 1984 but real life. Read that or watch the movie starring Edmond O'Brien. The game is rigged. Think of that the next time there is a run of rainy weather and ye have the time to do a bit of daydreaming. It will all make sense after that.

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