Saturday, September 15, 2018

[self-censored] Texas

The Texas Board of Education is removing H. and Helen Keller from the curriculum. Billy Graham has been added.

Keller was a great woman into social justice.

Our country and the world is so demented. There is no way around it.

The weather channel got busted faking a reporter braving high winds. A couple dudes in shorts walked nonchalant past him in the background.

I find everything so stressful on the internet.

But I can't keep sleeping. My main current goal is to ward off blood clots and to relax.

Belongings of the missing Wikileaks dude named Arjen Kamphuis have been found in the ocean off Norway. I think he was killed by the Five Eyes. That is admittedly speculation. There's something about his phone being used ten days after his last being seen leaving a hotel. There's something about a kayak.

I definitely believe the ptb's are terrified by Wikileaks.

They are not worried about me or any of you. Unless ye are building bombs or threatening lives, they can't touch us.

We are only as powerful as the next whistleblower leaks. The military endgame is to eliminate them completely. If there's no legit outlet to safeguard them, they are meaningless. Fake news pushing a Russian hoax means nothing because the Podesta emails speak for themselves. But if Wikileaks and Julian are done, nothing will change. The Ptb's will eventually recover from 2010-16. We are basically nothing and pose no threat without Assange's formula.

I doubt that other guy killed himself.

Maybe one last strategy could be to keep hammering away at how the military is a deranged, demented cult. But then I suppose it is late in the game to be playing at 100th monkey idealism.

It is a very disgusting situation. I'd say more on this, but it will only get me into trouble. The Military-Industrial Complex is verified scum.

All people who support them can go fvck themselves. When I die, it will be with a clear conscience.

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