Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Snowden and Assange Ruined Their Plans

I'm not saying 9/11 was an inside job. I'm not saying it wasn't. I think it was for an opinion. There had already been plans to invade Iraq. People can research the White House Iraq Group. It's a coincidence that draconian laws were implemented with 9/11 as the catalyst? So who exactly benefited the most? Yes, it's called the Military-Industrial Complex. They had the motive and the means to pull it off.

Internet history ended as soon as Bernie kissed Hillary's arse at the convention.

Snowden was a direct hit on the status quo, but it was one that was eventually contained through Agent Glenn Greenwald. He ended up in Russia. Nearly everyone knew Oswald was a patsy, but nothing changed from that awareness. The MIC was still in control of the narrative despite Snowden's leaks.

Assange changed everything in 2016. The deep state was not expecting anything like that. It showed that the Democrats and the medium produce fake news as in a conspiracy. That probably makes 20% of the country happy in a sleepy way. I am guessing about 40% of the population is still asleep. So one-fifth are probably okay with Trump and conservative values. Another one-fifth are probably content sticking with the mainstream medium and even outlets such as Cenk Uygur.

The trend to me is 60% of the population is not fooled by any of this. It is one with an upward trajectory. How many people still support slavery? I imagine it is at 0%.

So eventually I see greater numbers becoming so-called woke.

The balance is off for the ptb's. They don't mind a scandal here or there, but when it's the system in itself as the scandal, that is something they've never had to address.

What did the Church Committee ever accomplish?

It looks like nothing.

But it only looks like nothing due to the double pronged Snowden and Assange truth bombs.

They are doubling down and ginning it up which is a reverse double-bind. People eventually find better things to do.

One of my main Youtube rules is I never click on channels with check marks. I could see most people as trending in that direction.

If one clears the cache and goes to Youtube, every recommendation leads to shows with the verified check mark.

I was watching some basketball but got bored. I then plugged in conspiracy. It was nothing but check marks and the bad gaslighting stuff.

And there was TYT. I think they, Anderson Cooper, Joe Rogan et al know that we know they are paid fakes. I've seen this process before. There is a certain arrogance that comes from their position creating blind spots. I think Cenk is scared. I think the below might be a cheap attempt to rig search engines.

They are part and parcel of the conspiracy. So they include phrases such as conspiracy theory and paid shills to try to turn around their bad image. They thought no one would g.a.f. about the Armenian Genocide denial. They were wrong on that. They picked the wrong horse. I'm also done watching Jimmy Dore. He is part and parcel of TYT and demented medium loops.

I'd rather watch nothing than what state-sponsored algorithms dictate.

Yes, the deep state wants right on one side and left on the other with a decent 50-50 or close balance.

Tucker Carlson is a paid fake. He is not as obvious as Hannity, but check his track record and he's just trying to balance off Anderson Cooper on the other aisle.

Lou Dobbs is a complete tool. Is he entertaining? Yes. It's all entertaining in theory. I'm done with it. All mainstream medium means nothing.

The alternative stuff is obviously comprised of the same diversions yet are even more entertaining. The Podesta emails were too juicy.

The next trajectory will be welcome to my world, fellas, as in there is nowhere to go.

I fiddled with the filter for conspiracy on YT to see if I could bypass the rigged check mark results.

I found a decent video. A woman was wondering why YT is recommending the unveiling of dark web mystery boxes. I guess that's a new thing. I checked it out and it is boring. It makes me wonder if those guys aren't cointelpro. I think there are paid fakes basically all over the place as in everywhere.

I moved on and found something interesting on the Denver airports.

Above I stole a dude's schtick. He's saying they know that we know.

The Denver conspiracy, like JFK if we want to go back to the launching pad for militarised conspiracy gaslighting, is verified as true.

My chief conspiracy has turned out to be the biggest. All dissent was to be pigeon-holed and ostracised as nothing more than kook rants. I've known about that aspect since 2006-07 in regards to the conspiracy angle. But until the Podesta links, we didn't have enough proof to think the mainstream media was 100% fake. I just knew that the conspiracy crowd was rigged.

Trump was to be the pied piper kook. Crusty old-school GOP would reaffirm its power against the agitators. Hillary was meant to be president. The Russian hoax and Pizzagate are supposed to bury the greater truths from 2016 Wikileaks.

Assange. Ruined. Their. Plans. It was shocking and historic.

This isn't rocket science if one avoids the gaslighting.

One is under no obligation to believe in anything anymore.

Now they are all talking about conspiracies and paid shills.

That is the doubling down.

They want a total police state run through electronics.

The Youtuber is JonXArmy. I don't want to plug him because he's selling shirts, But he said they know that we know there is demented fake art all over that airport. I'm gonna steal a screenshot or two from him to show how cointelpro wants to proceed.

There's construction going on. The Denver Airport people are doing what Rogan does when people rightfully call him out as a CIA asset. They mock us. Our job is to not care what they think. The truth will spread. We care about people who might be unaware of what's truly happening.

Elon Musk is clearly a CIA agent or asset. He's something bad. He is known for a SpaceX.

Of course Joe Rogan works for military intelligence. It couldn't be more obvious.

The balance is all out of whack.

In fact, there have always been a lot of people throughout history who could sense everything was rigged and fake. Snowden and Assange have confirmed it in a they know that we know kind of way.

No matter what the ptb's provide for rise and shine medium mythology, it is going to be meaningless. They are in uncharted waters as paid fakes.

No, I have no real solutions except ideas. I have no power to drain the swamp. Bernie choked and has led us off a cliff. I only care about Julian at this point. I'd like to see what he could do with re-establishing Wikileaks and get those leaks rolling again. Maybe he could set us up an authentic free speech zone. Julian Assange is the de facto world leader for humanity.

I'm grateful he did what he did. It is better to know that everything is rigged and fake. We no longer have to worry about wasting time as keyboard commandos. It never had a real chance anyway.

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