This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Tokyo Shemp News Network September 7th, 2018

Social reality can't get much more fvcked up than it already is.

There is obviously a political coup in the making or at least the illusion of such. Bill Clinton was probably never close to being removed from office. He was impeached, but that didn't mean much. It was the same old, same old simulation of the fake right/left paradigm.

I'm not sure if Trump is in a similar situation in that this is just a lot of noise or if indeed there is a real, true chance of his being removed from the presidency.

What can be grokked is that all nuance and subtlety has been discarded. We have entered an age of pure propaganda and psychological operations.

Woodward came out with his smear book about the same time there was the anon coward op-ed in the New York paper. Both parties came together in agreement that McCain was greatness. Today's headlines show that the ptb's have picked their poison and it is a complete reboot of the right/left fracture point.

Warren is calling for the removal of Trump through the 25th Amendment.

Neoliberals Obama, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris are also punching away in similar fashion. The fake spin is not just right versus left but Black versus White. The reboot is based on divide and conquer. This will persist up to the mid-term elections. Perhaps then it will subside, only to increase yet again as the 2020 presidential election process reasserts its fake prominence.

Obama is pushing the Russian hoax. Meanwhile, one of Assange's attorneys is claiming his life is in jeopardy because the British government won't allow him medical care without assuring he won't be captured.

There is apparently more concern for Alex Jones' free speech rights than Julian's right to life. There is definitely a push to keep peddling the Russian hoax.

Trump would have much more credibility if he used his power to free Julian. He doesn't even try? There was one quote of his during the election that he loves Wikileaks. What happened to that sentiment? Why is Trump allowing such blatant oppression to persist against Julian Assange? What's the hold up?

I do like that the people ripping off the homeless man are being investigated. However, is it true that Go-Fund Me received $50,000 from the 400 grand? They should also be looked into. Of course we all now know that everything is rigged and fake, so what's the point of caring? I like that New York is investigating Church pedophilia, but why does it feel it's still not enough of a story to provide authentic hope?

I suppose the real, true infotainment pertains to Elon Musk going on the Joe Rogan Show.

What's up with Joe and his guests blatantly ingesting drugs on camera?

How are these not demented medium loops? Where is the real, true news?

Musk is also doubling down and ginning it up with the life as simulation schtick.

I want me waffles, bitch?

It was a two and a half hour live stream.

I agree with him on the need to stop playing God with the environment, yet he's also involved in building tunnels. Is that not also an example of playing God?

The simulation crap is a distraction. I don't see much out there in Mediumville which isn't.

I think Musk is a CIA agent. Calling everything a simulation means we are all powerless. It takes responsibility away from the real, true institutions which are fvcking up the world. Nature is not computer generated. It's a waste of time to even consider that.
Best case scenario, we effectively merge with AI.
Elon Musk can fvck off as should demented Joe Rogan.

The Kardashians keep showing up. There's never any relief. Each day the medium is the same gaslighting fvcker.

I did check out the James Munder Youtube page and he is clearly either a fruitcake, cointelpro or a combination. What I didn't like about the video smearing him was that it kept pushing the idea that he sexually assaulted his mother. If he did, sure, that is gross and he should face legal penalty for it. It just seemed too much like punching down with no due process. He's certainly not someone who I will battle for.

Of course we are living in a simulation, but it's not the kind Musk is astroturfing. It's called the status quo. It's called fake news, the Spy Factory and Freemasonry. We are provided with nothing more than demented medium loops based on those three things.

It's an electronic bureaucracy. It's all a state-sponsored psyop simulating actions, outcomes and the demented channeling of herd behaviour. Snowden and Podesta documents proved this.

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