Friday, September 28, 2018

We're moving onto S.O.A.D..

System of a Down playlist

This blog has little to do with entertainment. I am one nobody with a real name and true story speaking to the future letting it know we weren't all the same schmuck.

I have to be blunt. Some days this blog doesn't get even 100 views. This is my personal website. It's my turf. I.d.g.a.f about anyone on SNL. That was the point of smearing Davidson. Just because he sucks, that doesn't mean there are others who don't. Everything to do with social media including television actors is miserable. The medium is the message in itself. That phrase has never been easier to grok.

Is it asking too much to be allowed one's own turf?

If I had to guess, war criminal Dianne Feinstein was the true instigator of the Kavanaugh debacle. Her maiden name is Goldman which feeds into the Reddit Conspiracy fracture point. Her husband is a war profiteer. I speak truth. I know everything in regards to one person's capacity. I am at peace with life and internet. I'm not saying entertainment doesn't exist or has no value.

Lee Camp made fun of the homeless. I made a mini movie on him. Fake is as fake does.

I told everyone to back off of Asia Argento. Rose McGowan has retracted saying Argento received nude pictures from Bennett at aged 12.

Asia is definitely a bit twisted, but it feels like overkill to keep smearing her. The key is to quit all demented medium loops and stop enabling them. It's a bad look for everyone involved if one is forced to care.

What she did was sleazy based on age difference and California statutory rape law. We all know the deal. In some countries, the age of consent is sixteen. Eighteen is the safest youngest age in regards to consensus. Thankfully, nearly everyone tends to be attracted to people their own age. It's called having things in common. It's called a peer group.

Let's see. I was very prescient in regards to Duterte. I'm stating the case for a stolen blogging destiny. If the allegations are true that I done good for such and such to go with this and that and some junk in between, then all bets are off and I am the Rambo of bloggers who took down the man winning the internet.

I requested good guy CIA to do something about him. I can simulate my own junk, thank you very much. Rodrigo just admitted to committing crimes against humanity. He has committed atrocities.

                                 "my only sin is the extrajudicial killings"

Everything has become a fracture point. The system in itself has been exposed. Hillary went on Murphy Brown.

DNC/CIA/Truman Project operatives Kimmel, Colbert and Fallon continue to pound away at the right/left paradigm. I'm just fishing through headlines from the trashy tabloid.

I don't watch any of those shows. The Boston Celtics have their first game tonight at 6:30. Yay, finally.

I'm funny in that all I care about is Julian Assange mostly and then the Celtics, but also that the DNC rigged the primary against Bernie Sanders.

Peter Davidson is [redacted] and so is Ariana Grande who licked a public donut. That's conspiracy fact. That's just another fake comic and fake singer media creation. Think Bieber and Gomez. It's the same people. It's very similar never-ending nonsense. Too many folks literally sold their souls to the devil. That is the sorry, brutal truth. Davidson says he thinks of his dad dying in the 9/11 fire when they make love. He was on the Howard Stern Show. That's where that story is coming from. Stern drove Dana Plato to death, but I digress.

I think the fracture point topic might explain a lot and McLuhan has never been more accessible.

I'm personally holding on for stamps and basketball.

There's nothing left to investigate concerning the internet, imho. It is at the proverbial dead end.

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