Thursday, December 27, 2018

Cointelpro Attorney Marc Randazza in Hot Water

Scumbag Marc Randazza once made contact with me in regards to the Kimberlin story. I would later confront him on Twitter for being a dirt bag.

Now I see he is Alex Jones' attorney.

I refuse to link to anything but in a HuffPo piece it is claimed he was in Military psychological operations at age 20.

F it. I am bypassing my own new rules to stop linking. Here is the article. Yet again the passage of time is showing that I had major scoops and was correct about internet cointelpro.

In other convolution news, I noticed yet another person at Youtube lifting some of my ideas but will not link to it. The asshole debunks himself by turning everything into "new age" anagram mumbo-jumbo theory. Scumbags tend to debunk themselves. Good people tend to not want anything to do with illogical paid fakes or mediocre brainwashed folks who confuse luck for skill. One of the best parts of my quitting the medium grid is that I never have to fear copying anyone else by mistake. Everything I put together has been 100% original. I did it in a way in which to not condescend and to share wisdom. Now that I realise everything is rigged and fake, the pressure is off to care too much.

It is impossible to save such a rigged world.


  1. The article never ends. Everything I was on about over ten years of internet addiction turned out verified. I even claimed Chuck Johnson was cointelpro. Randazza is his lawyer. Hmm? That Marc hasn't been charged for crimes is also more circumstantial proof the clown is working for cointelpro. He's busted on all sorts of fraud yet is never arrested? Why is he associated to so much agent provocateur stuff?

    If you reverse the psyop, it turns out every fvcker is associated. Every outlet is contaminated. I have just been a prescient messenger.

    I admit to not driving the zeitgeist bus anymore. I used to drive it. Snowden and Assange confirmed everything. That everything is rigged and fake says it all. Crush all profits. Metaphorically burn it down. Fvck the medium.

  2. HuffPo is using the story to turn it into a right-left paradigm reboot. I remember Mandy Nagy and the Breitbart Cult just having to manipulate my story for their own stupid political, grifting and/or cointelpro ends. Both sides clearly suck. No one is believing nothing from nobody ever again, imho.
