Sunday, December 30, 2018

Fake Articles on the Rigged Internet

Duh, you think so?

And apparently it's our fault with little need to mention the military, government and corporations.

This has been a slow process to awareness. I was that crazy man on the corner proselytizing of fake this, fake that. Now everyone is saying the same stuff I have been on about for ten years. This is Edward R. Murrow too little, too late territory. It's easy to attack something after it's become obvious and public opinion has swayed towards that analysis. Murrow was no better than a brick in the wall and form of reboot. The Church Committee was a similar fake cleaning of the slate. We can know such statements are true because nothing ever changes. No one is ever held accountable. The medium gaslighting persists.

People claimed I was exaggerating. I was told things couldn't be that fake. It's called verified and vindication. I was correct and all that remains is the fakeness of everything.

The only plausible strategy remaining is to shut everything down. Get ad blocker. If you don't use it already, you're what's referred to as a chump. Hopefully I am never registered as an authentic viewer of ads. I never see them. I do see a number continually increase indicating efforts are there but blocked. Most folks seem to have ad blocker. Not only has the advertising model been proven fake, we can apparently hurt online businesses through starving their page hits. We back off and then scumbags are left alone with robots for audience. It should be a primary goal to legally bring everything to a halt through boycotts and especially via word of mouth in real life. Reality is where it's at in which it is the opposite of the internet.

I have quit so much in life from cigarettes to television. It can be done.

I've been calling for CNN's bankruptcy, yet it's not just about them. I am asking for the end to all corporate revenue. The movie industry for example should cease to operate. People still paying for cinema are idiots. Maybe an earthquake can send Hollywood into the sea where it belongs?

The world continues to be dominated by militarised scum. Snowden and Assange sacrificed their lives to inform everyone how rigged it is. On a just planet, treasonous higher ups in the Spy Factory would have already had their heads chopped off in guillotines after fair and speedy trials.

The true real terrorists are located within the Military-Industrial Complex. That has been confirmed as conspiracy fact.

We've been left with nowhere to go. There is no website worth anyone's time.

Use ad blocker. Stop contributing to garbage responsible for why everything is so twisted.

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