Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Tim Pool makes strange disclaimer about his relationship to Cassandra Fairbanks

Hal Turner was not an anomaly other than that he was the rare rat snitch exposed by a pay stub. He taunted Anonymous and they got the last laugh locating email exchanges between himself and his FBI handler.

Oftentimes cointelpro losers throw away fake gravitas through their big fat narcissistic mouths. Cassandra Fairbanks was one such turd. She made it clear that one of her best friends is exposed sewer rat Brandon Darby.

By chance I was checking out Tim's new podcast arguing that Jack from Twitter is a satanist or something. I'm not really sure. I stopped listening after the first couple minutes from realising he was shilling for the paid fake Fairbanks.
Now I don't typically use the Gateway Pundit. This is an article from Cassandra Fairbanks. I know her. I trust her. She's not perfect. Nobody is. But ha ha ha I have looked into this story. It's totally legit...
The internet is left with zero credibility. Everyone knows this. No one is trusting anyone, the topics discussed nor any websites. The holy grail for each of us is to come to terms with who we are and what life is before it ends. Well, everything came to a head in 2016 when we found out that everything is rigged and fake. There is no reason to debate or link to it since uhm what I just wrote. The cards are stacked. Anyone who truly rocks the boat gets banned and is silenced. It is impossible to beat them on their own turf which unfortunately is everywhere.

This reminds me of the time I was listening to H.A. Goodman and could have sworn he mentioned my name as a Freudian slip. He never denied a relationship to Melvin Goodman. It may be too good to be true that they are related, but they do look very similar. It doesn't take much for one to say nope, it's just the same last name, but there was no denial. I had doubted Goodman's legitimacy after reading an article of his from the Huffpost archives. He was promoting an obscure cointelpro website named Breitbart Unmasked. It made no sense and of course most of what is on the internet is nonsense and leads to nowhere. That is the essence of being left with nowhere to go as in the medium is the message. And we know now for sure that it is the Military which is breaking constitutional laws through this computer mess.

I think in a similar fashion I got into Pool's tiny brain and that explains his awkward disclaimer. I looked up "Tim Pool is cointelpro" and one of the top searches ends up on this blog. I also tried it with a proxy and the same results popped up. Disinfo agents tend to search their own names. My theory is that Pool searched his and found my entry. It wasn't actually on him but rather on Barrett Brown but down below I mentioned Tim Pool and Cassandra Fairbanks.

Oh okay, a while back I got into making short videos. In the one for that entry, I wondered about the relationship between Cassandra and Tim. Here's the comment and the link.

It's probably unlikely he searched his name with cointelpro, but I think there is a strong possibility he found my comments on him and Cassandra. It's not even my scoop. It is out there. Fairbanks is what's referred to as a reverse honeypot. Everyone associated with her can be assumed as fake. Pool appears afraid of zeitgeist awareness of Fairbanks as 100% cointelpro. Yet it is apparently part of his job duties to promote her and vice versa.

I found that very interesting he'd make such a disclaimer. Jack from Twitter is definitely a scumbag. I don't know if he is a Satanist. I actually couldn't care less. All these fvckers want to do is keep us within the convex hull of the demented worthless state sponsored and controlled medium. They don't want us thinking for ourselves. Tim Pool is complete trash. Why should anyone give a fvck about him or anyone? Why should anyone show respect to the U.S. govt. and military which have shattered our rights and fvcked up the country and world? It is beyond the beyond of time in which to tune in to reality and then drop out from complicity with the criminal state apparatus.

Julian Assange is greatness. The U.S. controlling the internet and suppressing freedom of speech and association no longer means anything. They own this fvcker but so what? All they are now receiving is the middle finger. 70% seem to agree that everything is fake. You can censor The Shempster, yet the natural mystic troll still wins out. The internet is confirmed as pure garbage and a dead end. Tim Pool is basically a disinfo shill cvnt.

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