Saturday, January 5, 2019

Astronaut claims he'd go to the moon likety split but the technology was lost.

"I'd go to the moon in a nanosecond - the problem is that we don't have the technology to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology and it's a painful process to build it back again."
~~ Don Pettit
They don't want us knowing the moon landing was a hoax. If that was fake, then all bets get turned off. It becomes common knowledge that everything is rigged and who does the rigging. NASA is an extension of the U.S. Military. It's a waste of money.

The Assange story never changes? Ecuador seems incapable of evicting him from the embassy or it would have just happened. No one trusts the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex! It is becoming plain as the eye can see they are destroying society and planet. They are the bad guys. They are baby killing spy turds. Manning and Assange were heroic. Snowden sort of made a difference but not really. If Barrett Brown didn't switch teams, then what's in the sealed plea agreement? He is acting all wound up and scripted. Maybe he was looking at thirty or forty years in prison.

We the people see what is happening. There is censorship. Easy to prove conspiracies get lumped in with flat earth and lizards. Israel sucks as a government, but that divide and conquer gets thrown into our mugs. Reddit Conspiracy is basically part and parcel of the Mike Rivero run for the hills, it's the jooooos. That's what that is. They are the Palestinians' worst enemy.

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