Thursday, January 17, 2019

Every Government Is Corrupt Including Ireland's

I went Junior Year Abroad in 1986. If I were to digress, I'd explain how I was up at 5 a.m. or some way too late hour listening to the Red Sox choke in the World Series. I was forced to find the Armed Forces Radio Network and there was a lot of static. It was very painful. It was a wild ride as a Red Sox fan.

These digressions can get very fun. Losers at Real GM claim I am a fake Celtics fan. But enough about sports.

I returned to Ireland for an M.A. in Social Theory. I was there from about 1989-92. Everyone was white. That's hyperbole but I swear well over 90-95 percent imho were pure Irish Catholic. One of my best friends was Nigerian. There's a historical relationship between the two countries. Sprinkled in I knew someone from England, another from Italy. One friend was from Austria. There were about ten other Americans. But for the most part that was a very Irish Catholic demographic.

I remember the government was always corrupt and seemed to put in programs to compel young people to emigrate. I think the Celtic Tiger Economy or wtf took off after I left. 1986 was the year U2's Joshua Tree came out. Everyone loved it. Oops. I edit for myself and see it was released in January 1987. That was around the time when Ireland was first starting to get better foods and stuff. It was sort of considered "third world" before then.

It's mind blowing to see that the Irish are on pace to become a minority in their own country.

There's something going on for that to happen. Why would all those young Irish have been compelled to leave for the U.S., Canada, England, France or wherever instead of making it easier for them to stay? Most Irish did not want to leave but there wasn't that much opportunity.

I think it's great that they take in some refugees. I just don't understand what is going on. It's unnatural to take in that many people. I'd like to see the exact numbers. It's asking for trouble to let a state change a society. The world is getting more and more demented.

Ireland definitely appears to be losing its identity. I have not been there in decades but there are videos and news articles out there. I did find it strange that the gay outsider became president. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but still. But anyway, they are great people. It's their government and elite who are the perpetrators. The Irish are clever but it looks like they are no better than us Americans appearing powerless to live free, self-determined lives.

I'm talking about the Irish in Ireland. How could they let this happen? And I am very to the left. It's simply common sense to not socially engineer populations. It's pretty creepy. I've nothing personal against immigrants. This is another divide and conquer wedge issue. Everything is spun into a fracture point. Snowden exposed that part of it.

The Patterson nutjob killed two parents and kidnapped a girl. Eric Frein killed one or two cops and accomplished nothing but ruining his own life and that of the cops. Unabomber didn't change anything. The anarchist who killed McKinley got spun as a nutjob. He didn't change the world. His crime provided nothing to nobody for positive social change while enabling dissent to be labeled as insane terrorism. Violence is a dead end, period. But where is every other possible form of resistance? We can do better.

There's something called the Christian Brothers who abuse children. Some IRA were kneecapping teenagers for selling drugs. I remember that was alleged. I hope that stopped.

It's painful to see that Ireland is being ruined. I don't see this as right versus left. There are people who use this sort of thing for their own political advantage. They don't really care about anyone but themselves. Many mostly use the topic for divide and conquer cointelpro or selling media. They never have original thoughts.

I'm trying to keep an open mind on Ireland. I didn't know it was getting so crazy for letting people in. It looks like we're all fvcked in every country. All Bernie had to do was go historic, yet he turned out to be an actor. He needed to say F.U. to Hillary and the D.N.C.. He didn't have to support Trump. Bernie was milquetoast or pied piper? He was a fake vent? These people are assholes for how they are treating Assange. It becomes difficult to not become bitter with extra acidity. I'll edit this, hit publish and then try to sleep off my disappointment in so many people and things.

Maybe I can be the Zappa of blogging; just keep cranking out original stuff and see if any of it sticks.

Perhaps someone will praise me that there was one sentence in the third paragraph of an entry from a year ago in which I truly nailed it. It's called probing. There's no beginning or end. I'm thinking McLuhan, Zappa and Watts.

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