Monday, February 25, 2019

A lot of people must be going through youtube withdrawal.

I know I am. The algorithms were changed recently completely altering the experience for the worse. I should have just boycotted the fvck out of it before then, but now they are making it much easier to still quit it anyway.

I've been looking at bitchute this morning. It's pretty much a ghost land? I did a basic search for the conspiracy stuff I am addicted to and the results were few and far between with not many view hits.

Last night I started a SubReddit called InternetCointelpro. Unfortunately while it's on public for viewing, there is a moderator queue for posting comments and joining. It is too much responsibility to open it up for everyone. I'd love to leave comments open here too, but it's no fun getting trolled. This blog does have a modest sized audience. Perhaps there are some kindred spirits out there who would like to help me grow InternetCointelpro.

There are simply not enough of us who think about paid fakes in regards to internet and want to join forces in order to expose it. We are banned and exiled. Others aren't. Today's Youtube recommendations are offering FisherOfMen who I recently blogged on. He was actually arrested and found guilty of terrorism. His channel was never taken down and mysteriously it even had videos added to it while he was locked up. That makes no sense. I admit to definitely becoming a broken record. There is clearly nowhere to go.

Tom Brinkley's channel is still available which is weird because his mental illness is right there and potentially despite being dead, he could still be triggering other schizophrenics or wtf into further delusions. Psyops are not just goofy nonsense. They destroy fragile minds.

I am the original in that I have been screaming for over ten years that conspiracy is rigged to make all political dissent look insane.

It wasn't rocket science to notice this. I never got much support. It was a very weird experience, but I survived it.

I am not for censorship but am only one dude. That's why I do it. I make nothing from blogging. If anything, it cost me some money when I had to defend myself against Brett Kimberlin.

Youtube is clearly done. Anytime these big websites conduct purges, there is always a boomerang in that people start to leave in droves. If one cannot find the good stuff anymore, it becomes pointless to visit. We may not be able to find replacement websites to satiate internet addiction. It's a law of diminishing returns. There is nowhere to go on the internet in which to waste time in a healthy manner. There is nowhere to go to promote positive social movement. Thank the military-industrial complex and government for this predicament.

Perhaps one refreshingly starts reading books. I got into stamp collecting. That's what I turned to.

If I could find a way to get us together to boycott all these websites, I'd do it.

All that remains is cynicism. The only thing I can really offer at this point is the idea that we need to stop breaking bread with scumbags no matter what the schtick. The people running sports forums and the folks posting on them are trash. I've been just into basketball, so I am referring to those. I am assuming all sports boards are 100% garbage based on the basketball ones.

The Daily Mail has recently changed making it much easier to quit visiting their dive. They are packing each page with too much crap. It's taking too long to load. This is not 2003 or wtf before internet speeds improved. Daily Mail was turning into fool's gold as it was. Now it is becoming even easier to not give a shite about their trashy fake news.

The Academy Awards were on last night, but of course I couldn't care less. Start boycotting everything and ye will eventually heal.

I'd be working on stamps right now but am waiting for money to purchase a new batch. I enjoy philately. It keeps my mind off of everything else. The problem is it is still Winter. Otherwise, I'd go outside more.

The internet in theory has been perfect to help get us through periods of human hibernation. Unfortunately, it has gotten too demented and poses a security risk to one's sanity. Demented medium loops are real. We are not meant to watch and read bullshit. It is everywhere. Conformist warmonger capitalist scum has completely taken over.

Be grateful you are not a demented member of the military-industrial complex or one of its contractors. Be thankful that you're not some sellout pig so-called making it on social media.

Let's destroy the system by dropping out from it.

Let Youtube go down the tubes. Allow it to wither. Allow Reddit Conspiracy to die. If there is a God, please dear Lord make all mainstream media and the fake alternative crap perish. Let the meek inherit the internet.

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