Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Breaking Convolution News on Bryce Matthew Cuellar

Update: I'm not too eager to figure this one out. He apparently works the "call for an uprising" 1776 schtick. He was probably entrapped by Alex Jones. He shouldn't have been posing with weapons or whatever that part was about. He says he is not on parole. He explains in the comments he was first on probation, then he broke it and ended up in prison for two years and seven months. I do find it bizarre he still has the Youtube channel. He's saying he is completely free having served the sentence. So maybe he is a regular guy kook who got railroaded. He spoke of tyrants getting the 1776 or of traitors getting shot up like Duterte does it in the Philippines (my metaphor). But I've never seen the video and it's gone.

I am gonna assume he is a regular guy but very stupid and gullible. If he is cointelpro, that'll become obvious over time. Otherwise he is just another kook.

My problem is how did his channel survive? I suppose it's possible he got to keep it. I am definitely not fingering this guy as an informant like I think of Barrett Brown. If he starts posting with guns and talking up violence, then that will mean he is cointelpro. But no one deserves the label unless it can be proven. Barrett Brown has acted very strange since his release. There is a sealed plea agreement supplement. This guy Cuellar says he finished all obligations to the criminal injustice system.

The second half is on. I gotta go. End of update.

Second Update: This guy was a definite nutjob who made threats. His plausible deniability was that he was drunk. Someone should find the court documents and pin this down.

From Daily Mail (August 29, 2016)

end of updates- that should do it.

One more update: I am not trusting this situation one bit as he served out the term and that's that with no strings attached. His Youtube channel has never been taken down. The uploading of conspiracy freak videos never ended. How can that be when Cuellar has been in prison. And he's covering the same old, same old wackadoo content- anti-gay, anti-Satan, all the stuff Cass Sunstein would have a field day with.

Here's the link to the channel. It's probably a cointelpro honeypot and that's why it never shut down.

It looks like cointelpro shill city to me.

The Spy Factory doesn't care what normal non-violent kooks like us think. They are looking for more chumps such as Cuellar to entrap. His channel is there to incite people with Youtube accounts to leave incriminating comments like he originally did. That's my conclusion for a theory. (that's it for updates)

Someone named Bryce Cuellar has been released from prison. He is a Youtuber who was convicted of terrorism. He was charged with saying he had a machine gun or wtf and intended to use it as the forefathers suggested or something. I am not sure. The original video was deleted and I have a Celtics game coming up in about a half hour.

He posts as FisherOfMen and has a verified check mark thingie. He has a video. The algorithms done good in suggesting this to me.

My schtick would ask basic questions.

Did he break the law?
Was he in any actual position to commit terrorism?
Did the punishment fit the alleged crime?
Was he entrapped?
Is he now working for the Five Eyes as a confidential sewer rat?

I have a game to watch and am not gonna run around like a chicken with its head chopped off looking for scoops. Yet this one looks relevant and fascinating.

At some point Jeremy Hammond should also be leaving prison.

I have already concluded that Barrett Brown turned into cointelpro.

I find it amazing that this guy is allowed to post on Youtube as part of his parole.

That's what sticks out imho in addition to the big evidence having apparently gotten the scrub brush.

All these people including me got pushed off of Youtube but a convicted felon who went to prison for making terrorist videos is back on the same channel calling out the so-called Illuminati? What is wrong with this picture?

I'm caught up in the Kyrie Irving drama. The C's looked a lot better last night without him and I don't think Mr. Diva is playing tonight either.

The C's seem to be setting it up as in if Kyrie leaves, he will be seen as a rat. Danny must believe disrupting team chemistry is worth holding onto a top league asset. I don't think he is such a great value but Danny probably does. I would have traded Kyrie last week. He had the rationale to do so considering Kyrie's throwing multiple team members under the bus. It seems that Danny is on GM tilt. He could have traded Kyrie and a few players for Davis. Both Ainge and the Pelicans should have figured it out as in a pure fvck this and fvck them way.

For Jaylen Brown and Kyrie plus some picks. the C's could have gotten at least two playoff runs with Davis and Horford as twin towers. That was the move to make. Or to get someone like Towns from Minnesota. Kyrie became a negative asset. The only people who don't understand Kyrie needed to go are kids, morons, astroturfers and cointelpro. Yikes, my game is almost on. Ainge became Bernie Sanders not wanting to be blamed for anything. If Kyrie leaves, he can say the narcissist lied to him.

My game is almost on, so I will hit post. Sorry for any typos or diction problems.

The basketball forums at Reddit and RealGM are rigged. Those are astroturfing websites. I also imagine there is a lot of cointelpro involved. The Military and NBA are very close.

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