Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cointelpro & Its Derivatives Blanket the Internet.

These people are everywhere and never get deleted. Their videos are promoted by algorithms meaning no one ever escapes their presence.

There is a Youtuber type who fake covers both basketball and social issues. I've noticed two of them. I am assuming there are plenty more but that I haven't found them yet or my interest in the NBA is starting to wane.

I've mentioned one of them named Scouts Honor. He is clearly cointelpro trash and that's why he remains as an anon coward. The same can be said of a similar Black video blogger ChroniclesOfJudah 144. Judah is actually much more popular and relevant than Scout who is too fixated on Kyrie Irving. Judah could be a random kook. Scouts Honor so-called telegraphs his passes. One trick ponies are incapable of maintaining zeitgeist power. Scouts Honor's right wing political rants are too predictable and forced. Perhaps Judah's Illuminati schtick is easier on the ears or much more entertaining. He clearly has the better voice. Nonetheless, both of them induce queasiness.

Judah's been going mostly with a purer basketball talk but if you scroll down his videos far enough you will find overt toxic materials resembling cointelpro.

He made a second channel but has seemingly abandoned it. He had one video on Chapelle in which he claimed to be unsure whether or not Dave was cloned. This wasn't satire. He's the one who also made a video on Shaq as MK-ULTRA. I had left a comment saying we can't claim someone blanking out is under that program.

There are two and only two options when someone is acting crazy. They are either nuts or faking it. Think Hal Turner.

Judah has a very annoying opening in which he goes, "Alright man, peace." It's very shallow and pure gimmick.

I tried but cannot find real names to attach to him or scumbag trash Scouts Honor.

Judah is actually pretty good when covering hoops. I didn't always agree with him but his mind seemed to be sound in that area.

However, none of these people ultimately make any sense unless they are cointelpro or insane.

A person recently trolled my Elvis post claiming Presley died because his stomach was all plugged. He implied a bowel obstruction. He had nothing to say about Freemasonry. I think that person is working out of a U.S. military affiliated or GCHQ cubicle. I have no proof but that's how it feels.

People like Scouts Honor and Chronicles of Judah 144 are seemingly paid to make a mockery of dissent. They sound reasonable or such and such when dealing with the mainstream topic of NBA basketball. Unfortunately, they also make sure to display a robotic, conformist styled political side and it's always the kind which tends to line up with Snowden documents, oftentimes "conspiracy stories" and always fracture points.

The ptb's want a reboot, period. They want half of young people to flash Masonic imagery with the other half experiencing the gaslight. They want us to keep going to movies and the NBA and to keep reading and posting on the internet.

My blog doesn't get many page views, yet when rare comments showed up, it was some sadistic troll seemingly reading every word I post and then attempting to simulate my literary outcome.

There will be no reboot. Never, ever. The Iron Triangle as defined by C. Wright Mills must be dismantled. There is no alternative in which military, corporate and executive can be allowed to continue to control the world. Chronicles of Judah 144 and Scouts Honor are 100% diversion from the holiest of truths.

It's possible they are random kooks. It's not possible that Dave Chapelle was cloned.

I attained a Master's degree in Social Theory. I was actually trained as to the proper way to think and generate social commentary. Basically those clowns and far too many on the internet are anon cowards and either paid fakes or useful idiots.

Alright, peace man? No, fvck you and fvck off.

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